Chapter 51

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Hunk kept the leaflet of the mall and took charge of giving them the directions they needed as they followed the drawn line on the mall's map as best as the could. Shiro was at the front, taking lead and ready to axe down any threats ahead of them while checking if the hallways were clear enough to walk through.

Keith followed beside Hunk afterwards, him and Cosmo was protecting Hunk and their only map as Hunk couldn't hold the map, his torch and kitchen knife all at once. So, Cosmo and Keith knife was Hunk's only defence and protection right now. 

That left Katie and Lance near the back, covering everyone's backs and keeping an ear out for any distance sounds that could mean trouble was heading their way. They weren't very spaced out in a group but kept a few meters apart to stop them from being tackled down together. 

"H-How did your last mall experience end?" Lance shakily asked as he glanced around, feeling as if million pairs of eyes were on him but knowing it was his mind messing with him over the dark surrounding him. 

"My brother died and I met a bloater" Katie deadpanned as she glanced around, moving her torch with the actions of her head to glance around them. Taking notice over abounded stores left in ruins and making sure nothing was crawling out of them. 

"Oh. Mine was with my siblings. A new video game had been released for months and had gone down in price making it cheap enough for us to buy with our collected pocket money. My mama and pops was looking into another shop. We ended up eating in the food court. The mall was in the closest city and it was a long drive for us to take. Time we got home we were all drained to play the game and went straight to bed" Lance breathed out, unsure how to react to such a confess before nervously rambling out his last memory over a mall. Hoping to distract himself and always been a talker.

"I understand you're scared but we need to keep silent. Our voices will echo out around us and IF anything is down here than they'd hear us before we hear them" Katie warned as she turned her head towards him, lowering her torch but lighting up the area to his side to check nothing was creeping up on them from when he was letting his nerves beat him. 

"Right. Sorry" Lance quickly apologised with a rash nod and went back to keeping watch. 

Another five minutes passed before they stopped at a barricade staircase. Well, a few clothes wracks had wheeled from the shop opposite t he top of the stairs and stumbled down the staircase piling up on each other. It was a bit of a mess and would be a struggle to remove it all, moving one without care could form the rest of it crashing further down the stairs and they couldn't risk such loud noises. 

Meaning they had to try a different way and that meant turning to Hunk who already took the silent hint after both Keith and Shiro silent curses when searching for a way to climb over the accidently barricade. Hunk was trying to find another set of stairs, knowing the mall had at least two lots on opposite ends of each other. It'd make their walk towards the route that'd take them to the carpark longer and more shakily but it should work. 

Hunk didn't understand the mall much but they had to go to the lower floors of the mall to reach the entrance of the carpark than walk up the stairs beyond the doors to reach the outside carpark .. none of it was underground but the only way in or out by the mall's carpark was this long route. To go down just to reach up. It seemed like poor building planning in all their eyes but none of them remembered much over an "ordinarily" life before the undead came along meaning they couldn't understand the minds of builders or building designers.  

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