Chapter 40

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Katie eyebrow twitched once again, her annoyance level increasing with each second and every word spoken from the childish grown ups behind her. They were standing by an old, metal bridge that had a racing river underneath. The bridge was worn, rusted but still holding with enough strength they could safely cross over. 

A few old, abounded cars left across the single file bridge .. a few crashed cars on the other side of the car. With the faint blood splatter on the inside of the car windscreen, proved one driver had already turned before attacking those inside the car they crashed into. It blocked any exit of the bridge and everyone else left their cars behind as they ran for it. 

It meant that they'd have to split up, squeeze through the small gaps on each end of the two crashed cars to get passed but .. they could at least slip past and get off the bridge. But that's what the other three was arguing about while she watched Cosmo sniff around at the few cars parked and left behind on this side of the bridge. 

She took a deep, heavy breath as she pressed one hand to her stomach and rested the other on her lower back. She was stiff, they'd all taken shelter in a car last night and none of them got to lay down inside. They all tried shuffling around to try and curl up on a chair or find a way to straighten their legs out .. but none had much luck in that matter. Lance even hopped into the boot .. trying to lay down a bit better but ended up sitting in a strange position in the end like the rest of them. 

Her bones were sore, it hurt to move any and all limbs and they had been walking slowly for hours since leaving the safety of the car and heading towards this bridge needing to cross over. None of them knew when they'd be another bridge to use or any other route to carry on ahead with. Turning back was an option anymore, they struggled getting this far as it was and they weren't really sure if they'd survive turn back, not when the packs of runners that seemed to have taken over a whole county side as their own. 

"For god shakes, we have to cross here" Katie finally snapped, turning to face the other three, she was in pain, sleep deprived and fed up with them arguing behind her. 

"Over that bridge might be as bad as the packs of runners we've barely just snuck past. Those crashed cars have blocked any enter for any vehicle across the bridge and the gaps by the boots .. it's single file to squeeze through to get past meaning ... any and all infected that's across the bridge was stuck on that half. They're not smart enough to go single file and squeeze through gaps like that .. if we cross the bridge then we'd be trapped with them" Lance argued back, pure fear in his eyes and voice as his arms flung all over the place as he passed on the reason they couldn't risk crossing the bridge right now. 

"Or they could have moved on elsewhere. We don't know if there is another bridge or path across this river, they could have found one after all these years. Or, they could had moved onwards towards other towns or cities further on. We wouldn't be crossing this bridge if it led to a dead end ... we've got to cross here while it's safe" Keith snapped back from where he stood with his arms tightly crossed over his chest and his butt leaning into the concrete fence behind them, being the only safety to stop others from tumbling over the edge and falling directly into the river. 

"And we don't know if it is safe. If there is another bridge or path further ahead then we should at least try looking for it. If there isn't, we can turn back and try here again. But Lance is correct, we don't know if the undead is stuck ahead of us and we'd be trapped with them if we cross here. Not all the undead move on .. we all know that much at least" Shiro replied sternly as he thought the same as Lance and saw the bridge as too much of a risk for them to simply cross. It was the first crossing they've came across since walking in the middle of nowhere, country side all around them before walking along the edge of the woods. They had to find somewhere else, somewhere that seemed a little more safe once they had crossed over. 

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