Chapter 18

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The night soon turned into morning and the two were heading out once more. Coat's on to keep away the chill as they carried on trying to escape the city where the bandits laid camp. Both keeping an ear out for any voices or screeches, neither was sure what they'd prefer, the undead or bandits. Of course, Pidge sniffing the air and gagging a few times when it seemed a few of the infected was being burned during the day once again.   

"What are you thinking?" Shiro finally asked as they came to a stop in an old post office, having an five minute break. Drinking water and eating some biscuits. 

"I wasn't thinking anything" Katie argued back, completely lying to him. 

"-" Shiro. 

"Okay, I was thinking about something but you're not going to like it" Katie cave in as she lowered her head in defeat. 

"I never do" Shiro admitted with a small nod from where he sat cross legged, his arms loosely crossed over his chest. 

"That's why I wasn't going to tell you" Katie replied with a frown as she knew him as well as he knew her. 

"But I always follow along anyway so tell me" Shiro sighed, giving her a knowing look as they both knew they'd be doing whatever she's thought of. 

"I wasn't going to do anything this time. I was just going to look the other way and carry on walking with you. I can be the mature one too sometimes" Katie calmly stated as she didn't like her own thinking either and was just going to push all her thoughts to the side. 

"Katie" Shiro spoke up with his dad voice, raising an eyebrow towards her. 

"Fine, I'll tell you" Katie groaned out in defeat once again, lowing her head like a caught child. 

"Thank you. Now, what's captured your thoughts" Shiro asked once again, giving a friendly smile and resting his hands in his lap. 

"I think they've got a bunch of clickers trapped inside their camp" Katie finally admitted out loud and looking straight at the older man before her who just blinked for a moment. 

"The bandits?" Shiro guessed over who's camp she meant. 

"Yeah" Katie admitted with a weak nod, knowing the dangers.  

"I'm not letting you go near them, let alone inside their camp. You know what bandits do, I'm not letting either of us going through that" Shiro frowned deeply, being completely serious over the matter as he wasn't going to see her get hurt again. 

"I know you won't and that's why I was going to keep my thoughts to myself as we carry on" Katie sighed as she held her hands behind her head and leaned back against the wall better. 

"You're certain there's a bunch of clickers inside their camp .. not just on the outline?" Shiro asked with an questionable look in his eyes. He knew he could trust her, in fact he trusted her with his life but he also knew she wasn't correct either. 

"I'm certain they're inside, I can sense them" Katie replied calmly, she understood what Shiro was hitting at and understood why he was double checking since they'd be risking their lives on this. 

"Come on, let's find a way to sneak inside and set them lose on the bandits. It's best to take care of them while we can than let them grow more dangerous and follow along behind us" Shiro  mumbled back as he pushed himself to stand again, collecting his bag and water bottle once more as he knew better than to leave his things behind. 

"Are you sure? We'll be leaving them to die and turn too?" Katie asked with worry as she quickly dropped her water bottle back into her bag and zipping it up. 

"I know what we'll be doing and I wholeheartedly hate it but we both know those bandits have killed so many more than we could even count. If we leave them than they'll carry on killing other's .. I won't forgive myself if I leave other's to die by their hands while we ran away" Shiro explained with a frown, his eyes showing his mixed feelings over the whole thing but he was determined to go through with it. 

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