Chapter 54

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"You need hel-" Takashi started to state before being cut off quickly. 

"No" Katie snapped back, stubbornly limping along towards where the rest stood standing for her to catch up. 

"Stop being stubborn" Takashi huffed back in annoyance as he started walking towards her. 

"I won't risk infecting anyone with my blood" Katie sternly replied as she tried limping around him, her expression nothing but pure pain thanks to her wound. 

"And you won-" Takashi started to say before being spoken over once again. 

"I said no" Katie snarled back, glaring towards him over her shoulder. 

"And I'm no longer listening to your requests" Takashi sighed as he walked towards hers without any care and did what needed to be done. 

"T-Takashi!" Katie squeaked out as she was lifted from the ground and held tightly but comfortably in his arms. 

"If I somehow get any blood on me through all those bandages you've placed on and ankle support you've slipped on too. Then I'll burn my clothes that are stained by your blood and make sure they can never infect anyone else. I'll do a deep clean with boiling water if that helps you to calm down. But for now, I'm carrying you" Takashi calmly reassured as he better his grip on her, his expression honest and caring as he lowered his head to look at her. 

"I can walk" Katie argued back with a pout as he started walking again, easily keeping a hold of her as he does. 

"Like a snail" Keith snorted back as they've all had to keep stopping after so many meters and wait for her to wobble along to catch up again. It's been a go and start for everyone but her thanks to her injured leg and they've barely made a dent in the distance left for today 

"We'll try to find you a makeshift crutch or even use an office chair to wheel you around later. For now let Shiro carry you. You're holding us back and leaving us wide open from attacks from the infected or hunters. Let us help you by having Shiro carry you" Lance perked up as they all started walking again, a much quicker and steadier pace then the rest of the morning had been. A friendly smile on his lips as he tried comforting his friend and using facts that he knew she couldn't win against. 

"Can someone else at least carry my backpack? It's not fair for him to carry his own bag, me and then my bag" Katie quietly asked, already accepting defeat but wanting to at least make it easier for Shiro as well. 

"I'll take it" Lance offered as he walked over to the pair. 

"Thanks" Katie muttered back, still sulking over the whole carrying issue. 

Shiro slowed to a stop before carefully placing her back down for them to slip her backpack off easier before he was scooping her up once again and walking without any hesitation. Lance placing her back on over his chest so his own backpack stayed on his back. Keith taking the lead with Cosmo and keeping an eye out for any form of danger ahead. 

"How far do we have left?" Keith asked as he glanced over his shoulder to look at Hunk. 

"We'll reach the safe spot by this afternoon now we've returned to average pace. We won't be in any danger once we reach it and take care to not attract much attention. We could have made it by lunch if we didn't have a slow start" Hunk tiredly answered as he rubbed at his face, worrying over the hours they've already lost thanks to Katie's stubbornness. He knew her wound must be painful and halting her walking ability but with her rejecting any form of help they'd arrive in the afternoon, when it's half dark instead of the safety of daylight at lunchtime. 

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