Chapter 22

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The three soon chose a different tree each before sitting down. They were still close together but keeping to their own tree to have the leafs give them better shelter and it also stopped them from all being pinned down by a zombie or two. With them keeping a bit of distance, they won't have to worry over tripping on each other or pining their backs to the tree trunk. 

All sharing their water and food since Keith didn't have his own bag or any supplies with him. All chatting away and Shiro throwing his blanket at Keith to use as he simply pulled out his spare jacket to use as an blanket for himself. Katie happily wrapping herself up in her own blanket, not even trying to share it since she easily got cold. 

All talking over the watch turns and agreeing that Keith could take first watch. More so when he seemed ready to take first watch for the first couple hours before acting a bit shy since he assumed the other two wouldn't trust him with first watch when they've just met that day. Most would take advantage of first watch, using it to steal the other's supplies before leaving them for dead as they ran for it. But, Shiro and Katie both shared a look before volunteering Keith to take first watch. Shiro would take second watch and Katie was take third before they loop all over again. 

No fires were built, even as the night crept past and an chilly wind filled around them. They all feared over frost and agreed that if the air turned any chiller they'd wake up and get moving in the middle of the night for better shelter. 

"Before the world went to shit" Keith mumbled back unsure as he looked towards Shiro who'd ask about his first day when the apocalypse had reached him. 

"Yeah, do you remember where you were when the undead reached your area? I was with my family at home when it reached my hometown" Shiro asked with a small smile, giving the basic run down over where he was on the first day the apocalypse started for him without giving up too much detail. 

Both Shiro and Katie as interested in Keith background, his story over the start. Neither would push him into giving his life story or personal information if he didn't want them to know. But they'd at least want to understand how he ended up this far out so alone. In truth, Shiro saw a bit of an younger Matt and Katie hidden deep within Keith eyes and wondered if they could help him.

"I was in foster care, in a foster home. Got removed from the orphanages and was moved from one family to the other when they couldn't handle my temper. Sent to a special foster home for kids that were left drifting from one home to the other or didn't fit in with other children in the orphanage. It was a simply four bedroom house, the owner being an rude and uncaring bastard in his mid fifties. There was another kid in his own, an older girl in her teens but we didn't really talk much. The guy gave strict times for when dinner would be cooked and served while we got left to handle breakfast and lunch ourselves. He didn't really give much care for us, got paid to keep us in his home and than he left us to our own things as long as we didn't cause too much trouble for him. The type of trouble that means he'd be done for something" Keith awkwardly mumbled back as he glanced to the side, his memory over his childhood a bit fuzzy and he didn't remember much over his life before zombies. But he knew the basics, he remembered flashes of memory over the past, bits over the old man and how he thought the home he was dumped in would be his prison at the time. 

"Did you all huddle up together when zombies popped up or were you lucky enough to be from a city that got told warning over the undead and was moved to "safety" by soldiers?" Katie  asked as she learnt that some cities or towns were lucky enough to be given warning over the shit storming heading their way. Both she and Shiro heard the stories from other survivors they've passed or shared an outside camp with during their travels. Not everyone was left to the undead, some got collected by soldiers and taken to safe camps that never did hold. 

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