Chapter 14

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Heads up: It's gonna be a long ass chapter or Chapters, I might try breaking it up into two or three parts. Sit tight, get comfortable and have your drinks close by. 


Flashback: Seven Years Ago..

(Shiro is 17 and Katie is 13)

"This is stupid" Katie groaned out in frustration and stamping her foot on the ground like an spoiled child having an hissy fit. 

"It's a toy" Shiro casually replied like it was no big deal and stayed looking around the corridor of the rather large mall they found themselves using to cut through a city with roads packed of parked and burned cars, blocking all and any access within the city. The mall was there only chance unless they wanted to turn back around and take an extra two months in travelling and with the rumours of bandits not far behind them, neither wanted to waste time. 

"It's still stupid" Katie huffed back in annoyance, looking like a kick puppy as she came to another stop making Shiro look to her. 

"It's an Ribik cube, it's meant to be difficult" Shiro explained as if the cube itself was obvious over being difficult. 

"It's not difficult, it's impossible!" Katie snapped back in anger as she was sick of keep failing since picking up the toy she'd found in the back of one of the cars that were luckily not burned from being blown up. The two had tired climbing over the first lot of cars, helping each other with the climbing and jumping but it was just too difficult for them to carry on. 

"People use to hold competitions back in the day to see who could solve one the fastest" Shiro told her, knowing she liked to learn new facts if they were important to learning or not. 

"Hang on! People actually solved these ... for fun?" Katie blurted out in shock, not believing a single word he just said since she was ready to kill a zombie with an Rubik cube just to let her anger over failing it out. 

"Yup" Shiro answered, sounding it out longer than the three letter word actually was as he was finding this all amusing. 

"It wasn't a form of punishment?" Katie asked in clear judgmental over anyone who would find an rubik cube as fun or even held the skills to show off doing one in competitions. 

"Nope" Shiro answered yet again but this time just popping the p. 

"It's still stupid" Katie grumbled back, pouting even more as she got walking again. 

Shiro couldn't help but burst out laughing over that, he's expected to find something Katie couldn't handle or struggle with but he never thought an Rubik cube was her downfall. Since she picked up earlier that day, all he's heard was complaints and insults towards the cube after she kept failing in completing all sides. 

Her height light so far was when she got three red cubes in the same line but since than, she's lost that single line and only made more of a mess. Shiro did try taking it from her a few times and tried throwing it away but she had actually threatened to feed him to a bloater each and every time. 

She was at war with the cube and it was a battle she wasn't going to willingly surrender. 

"Stop laughing at me" Katie whined back as she looked over her shoulder to him as he finally started walking again, jogging to catch up with her.

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