Chapter 24

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They all laid down again, catching up on the little bit of sleep they could gained before waking up fully. The sun in the sky and giving them blissful sunlight that helped them see any and all dangers around while they walked along. 

Heading towards an old and falling apart town that seemed tucked away on the other side of the open fields by the woods edge. Shiro taking point, axe in hand and leaving the other two, oh and Cosmo walking a few steps behind him. Both ready to step in if he set of a trap or got caught in one.

That left with Pidge and Keith awkwardly staying in silence while Cosmo happily pounced around them both. Running off to explore and chasing anything, if it was living or not but always making sure Keith was in line of sight still. 

"You lied" Katie spoke up, keeping her eyes focused on Shiro back ahead of them. 

"I did?" Keith asked with an questionable eyebrow raised as he turned his head towards her. 

"You mentioned the teacher turning into the undead within minutes of being infected. That virus might have evolved once someone been bitten but it still takes at least one full hour to take over your cells. He couldn't have turned that quickly" Katie simply replied with a straight face and seeming rather unbothered like they weren't talking about anything much of importance. 

"And did you know the longest it's taken someone to turn after being bitten it forty eight hours. They apparently hid away and after twenty four hours, stepped out. Thinking they were immune to the virus and held the cure for all of humanity. They got let inside their camp, locked in another room before turning into a walker and biting his own friends that believed he might hold the cure. We learn over the virus as it happens around us, things change" Keith argued back with another fact, a frown on his lips as he turned to stay looking straight ahead. 

"Not in two minutes. It's not enough time for the infection to take over both your brain and your whole body. Trust me, no matter how evolved it may get .. it's not that quick" Katie lightly snapped back, a distant look in her eyes. 

"And how can you be so sure over that fact?" Keith asked with slight annoyance over Katie acting as if she knew everything to do with the virus. 

"You've got no clue over how sure I am over the virus. So, are you going to tell me why you lied or do we have to wait until a near death experience happen between us before you sudden spill the beans one night" Katie bitterly commented back before shaking her head and smiling. Nudging him a little as she tried getting the honest answer from him before they had a live threatening moment together and he blabs it all out. 

"He got bit. The other's had ran away when the runner had came towards them but the teacher stayed behind. Helping me out of the ambulance and got himself infected because of it. He did run away, trying to get away from me. He never wanted to infect another but he also wasn't brave enough to take his own life. So, he ran to keep away from those close by. But I was a kid, an idiot. I chased after him. The other's on our team, they were inside the building he fled into. They saw the blood stains on his clothes and knew he was infected. They bashed his head in until his brains covered the ground. All why he was still very much alive, screaming out in pain from it. They killed him in such a brutal way just because they were scared he'd infect them next. He was a good man. A great man and he died in the most horrible way known. It was awful to watch, some nights I can still hear his cries of agony. They could have taken their knife's out, stab him in the head .. it would have been less cruel and less painless for him" Keith spoke, his voice week and full of anger and venom. His hands were in tight fists and shaking by his sides while he kept his head ducked. Reliving the memory and feeling his vengeful anger raising once more.  

"But they didn't. And, time you arrived. They had already started attacking him. Whacking him with their weapons until his head was completely smashed in. It's a slow and painful death. No one deserves such a death" Katie frowned and she gave a small nod, feeling bad she pushed Keith into telling her the truth. She knew how painful it must have been for him to lose someone so important in such a cruel way. 

"I returned to camp with them and passed on the medical supplies. The teacher loved the camp and cared for the people. I knew he wouldn't want them to suffer just because of how a few of them treated him wrong. But, I still ran away after. I packed my bag and left. I couldn't stay, not anymore" Keith finished the story, showing that the rest of his story from before was true. He just lied over the teacher death. 

"And you lie to other's over him being a walker already since it seems nicer. Better than people knowing he was killed while still having his full humanity. If we thought he died as the undead, we wouldn't feel so bad or pity him" Katie guessed with a weak smile, giving a small and single comforting pat to Keith arm in hopes to make him feel a bit better. 

"I lie for myself as well. I hate how he was killed. It haunts me. So, I lie. If you lie long enough, you start believing its true" Keith admitted, his body relaxing as he calmed himself down again and knew the two around him didn't deserve his temper right now. 

"Sorry for questioning your lie. I should have assumed you lied for a reason" Katie apologised, feeling bad over poking over the lie so much. She just wanted to make sure that Keith wasn't some bad guy who knew how to act like a good guy. She was going to protect Shiro but she forgets that some people also lie to make memories less painful. 

"I guess I should have been honest when you've been mostly honest with me. I know there's something strange going on with you and Shiro but I won't ask. Some secrets are best unknown after all" Keith mumbled back with a small shrug, slipping his hands back into his pockets. 

"Thank you and hopefully if you stay long enough, you'll learn over the truth" Katie replied back with a friendly smile, giving him a light nudge once more. 

"I pray that I don't. It'd suck if I suddenly hate to hate you both" Keith muttered back with a playful smirk, nudging Pidge back lightly.

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