Chapter 48

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Side Note: Grand news! I finally finished playing Last Of Us 2, the game's all done. My cousin and I played it together during this week and we finished it. Taking turns or throwing the controller at each other when we kept dying in certain bits or got fed up at certain bits. We weren't completely skilled at every weapon or during certain bits while the other was more skilled at it .. so we swapped over at the bit's we were skilled at. 

But yeah, finally completed it after waiting all this time to gain the game and play it. In my own view, I didn't lie it. It was shit and way too long. The storyline just wasn't .. there for me sadly. It felt dragged and seemed to never end. The new zombies did seem a bit cool but at the same time .. I felt like they were forced as well. The game wasn't as fun or as good as the first game in my eyes but that's just me. I was left a bit disappointed over all the rumours and talk the game got during it's making. 


Katie felt trapped. 

She knew she wasn't deep down but she was forced back into her past during her dreams. 

She felt like she was strapped down on the metal operating table all over again. 

Her body stiff, sore and unable to move even an inch. 

She struggled against her restraints as she watched all the doctors creep towards her and ready to treat her like a lab rat all over again. 

She cried out and screamed at the top of her lungs but no one seemed to hear. 

She was scared, it all felt all way too real to just be a dream. 

She felt the pain, the burning sensations and the tears staining her face. 

Shiro tried his best to wake her. 

He had allowed her to take the bed, even after their many games. 

She fell asleep rather quick just like he did on the floor. 

But he was awoken but Cosmo whimpering beside the bed. 

He wondered if Cosmo needed the bathroom and wondered why he wasn't waking Keith up since he should be sleeping with the guy in the big bedroom. It was due for Hunk and Lance to take over on being on watch. 

But Shiro sat up, yawning and stretching. 

He pushed himself to stand and headed to the door but Cosmo wasn't moving, he was still scratching at the covers of the bed. 

That caught Shiro attention and he walked over to see if something was wrong with the wolf or Katie. 

That's how she found her having her nightmare. 

As always, she didn't show any signs straight away and he would have just assumed she was in a deep, dreamless sleep. But the pitched and pained face said otherwise and he rushed to wake her up. Pulling the cover down to her legs, hoping the cover wouldn't feel like a heavy weight pushing her down. His hands on her arms, shaking her in hopes to wake her while he called her true name, his voice growing more desperate and louder with each passing second. 

And she woke. 

Frighten and spooked. 

She shoved him away from her, still seeing the mad scientists and not him. 

Rushing away, feeling her heart stop and tighten as she struggled to breath. 

She needed air, she needed to go outside .. to find she wasn't trapped under ground anymore. 

Her feet were bare, her coat and jackets left inside and she wore a basic nightdress as none of them expected any need to run out in the middle of the night. Meaning no need to sleep in clothes either. 

The front door had almost been ripped open as she moved to unlock the door and remove the chain. 

Leaving the door to slam behind her and panic everyone else inside. 

She stumbled outside, falling to her knees and gasping for air as she sobbed. 

Shiro was soon knelled beside her as the palms of her hands laid flat to the ground, her fingers gripping at the bricked ground, trying to keep her grounded to the present by the feel of touch. 

Keith, Hunk and Lance all stood watching by the living window after having the door slammed shut by Shiro, stopping them from following them. 

Shiro wasn't in much better shape than Katie, no shoes, no jacket and he wore a vest and pyjamas shorts. No knife or weapon in sight leaving them both exposed to any attacks. That's why Keith and Lance watched, clutching with their weapons and ready to storm out as soon as they spot the undead. 

Hunk tried shooing them all away as Katie gripped to Shiro, his arms tightly wrapped around her and keeping her held to him, in the now, as she sobbed her heart out to his chest. 

It was a heart breaking sight to see and no one truly understood why Katie was in such bad shape but they knew better than to simply ask over it. 

"I thought I was back. It felt so real" Katie chocked out, her body trembling in his hold. 

"You'll never go back there. They'll never be able to take you again. I won't let them even if I have to destroy that base with them inside" Shiro soothes, his chin resting in her hair as he keeps holding her close and knowing he'd never let anyone else take her from him.  

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