Chapter 5

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The three made their way towards the mall once morning came. Sleeping well since they've gotten use to sleeping anywhere and anyway after the long few years of the world ending. They ate their canned fruit for breakfast and drank half a bottle of water before heading out. 

Reaching the mall within thirty minutes and frowning as no one stood on guard or patrolling around. They easily walked inside, glancing around to find no light, no sign of life inside.

"Hello" Matt called out, his hands cupped around his mouth while they carried on walking further wondering if the rest were deeper within the mall. 

"We should see a sign by now. Seen someone or something at least" Shiro admitted as he looked around, using his torch to light up where he wanted to see due to all the windows being painted over to block out the sun and making the inside pitch black.

"Yeah, this is starting to get spooky. We can barely see anything even with our torches on. Someone would have said something by now. We should turn back while we can otherwise we might get lost or worse, find out what happened to these people" Katie spoke up, stepping closer to the other two as she shakily looked around and not wanting to stay any longer than they have. 

"Can we at least look around? They might have moved to a safer camp or a larger one. Let's see if they left any clues behind. We've found no bodies or bodies parts meaning they couldn't have met with zombies" Matt replied as he turned round, lifting his torch and blinding the other two by accident as he looked to them.

"Matt, your torch" Shiro hissed out, holding his arms up in front of his face trying to protect his eyes.

"Oh sorry" Matt mumbled out, an apologetic look on his face as he lowered the torch.

"I see spots" Katie complained as she blinked repeatedly trying to fix her eyes. 

"They'll vanish soon" Shiro reassured as he was having the same problem. 

"Why don't you two wait here and let your eyesight get back to normal while I look around. If I get lost, you two can just call me back and wave your flashlights around for me to see" Matt offered as he was waving his flashlight around as he turned his head trying to think where to look. 

"No, we're staying together. As much as it might seem like a good idea for someone to stay close to the direction of the exit and wave us back. We don't know what happened here or who might still be about. It's safer to stay together, we can help each other this way" Shiro sternly replied as he turned towards Matt and reaching out before he tried walking away alone. 

"Yeah, I don't think anyone should wonder off alone. It's scary as it is already" Katie muttered as she looked around, moving her torch with her head to light up the places she was looking. 

"Don't worry, nothing is going to happen. Here, you can hold my hand" Matt smiled as he walked over to his sister and held his hand out her.

"Don't let go, all right" Katie whispered as she quickly took her brother hand and huddled closer.

"Don't worry, Katie. I won't let anything happen to you not again" Matt promised and placed a kiss to her hair.

Katie giving a shy nod, holding her brother hand a little tighter as they started walking again. Shiro just looking at the two, worry and confusion filling his eyes as he watched them. He was curious and cornered for the two, for their past because he was certain they faced much worse than a simple zombie eating their parents. 

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