Chapter 49

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After the nightmare incident, Shiro had easily gotten Katie back inside and shut themselves in the room again. Keeping her close and calmly talking to her, keeping her distracted and allowing her body, heart and mind to slowly calm down and be reminded over where they stood now. 

Sleep slowly getting to the both of them again and they fell asleep beside each other on the floor. Not cuddling up but close enough to reach their hands out and touch the other. As much as Katie needed a hug, she didn't want to feel trapped in her sleep again and gain reliving some old memories all over again. Shiro understood and just laid close by, hoping his presence would be enough for her. 

Keith had headed back to bed with Cosmo, a little tensed still but knew things would be okay if Shiro was able to get Katie back to bed .. or at least the bedroom. He knew Shiro had the rest cover and there was nothing else to be alarmed over. 

Hunk and Lance locked the door up again and awkwardly stayed on high alert a little more than they were earlier. Katie's small freaked out moment had spooked the pair of them as they feared a zombie or bad people had somehow reached the house without the two of them noticing. They both thought the worse and feared for the whole group's life .. only to find Katie in a state .. neither liked to see. 

Of course, when Keith and Shiro woke up early .. as always, the two nodded for the pair on watch to try sleeping again. Gain an hour's long nap after last night scare and knowing they must feel a bit drained from such an adrenaline rush. Hunk and Lance passed their thanks before taking the offered nap.

Katie waking before they did and headed down, fully dressed and seeming much better than when most of them last saw her. She was still a little .. stiff and had to keep checking her wrists to check for cuffs marks or walk around the room to feel that she wasn't strapped down and imprisoned anymore. 

No one mentioned the behaviour and looked the other way, giving her space and only fearing over her unknown past even more. 

A more important matter forced it's way into the group and they discussed over Hunk missing friend. They were willing to wait another day or two for him but had to accept an agreement if he didn't show up. 

Hunk admitting that their real, small camp was a day's travel away from where they sat hiding right now. It seemed the unknown friend had went up ahead to check it was safe to reach their small camp in an old butcher's shop after the bad men had shown up and tried tracking them down. 

Meaning, if the group wanted to carry on heading forwards, they'd have to travel the same was as the missing friend and past the small camp the two used. All agreeing to check the small camp out to see if the friend made it alive or check he was okay, assuming he might have gotten hurt or delayed if he was trying to keep out of sight. 

Hunk had thanked them all for waiting another day and for returning to the other camp with him to check on his friend and see if he at least reached that far. No one complained and reassured Hunk over it. 

The guy might have been a stranger to them but he was a nice guy with a kind heart. All of them didn't feel overly good at the thought of leaving him alive and leaving him to survive all this by himself. They'd be happy to make sure he got somewhere safe before leaving or offering him to join them if they saw no signs over his missing friend. 

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