Chapter 38

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Side Note: Lance background story is kinda long and so .. I plan to add it all at the end of the chapter. Like a character appearance note that some add at the end of their chapters or what I've done to remember other people ages. (As long as I remember to do it lol .. if there's nothing at the end of the chapter .. just remind me, please)


Back Within the Base that Once held Pidge and Lance captured...

"Are you certain it was the girl in this photo?" A low and dangerous voice growled out, holding the man by the back of his head and shoving his face into an old, wiggled photo. 

"I-I don't know, man. I-I was put on the roof to yell out the warning minute. I-I didn't g-g-ge-get to see her face. I-I o-only saw her r-re-retreating b-ba-back w-when t-th-they took her back t-to t-the c-ce-cell" The man stuttered back in fear, his whole body trembled as his camp burned behind him. The bloater raging free, killing all his friends and comrades while others were left to burn alive in the fires or crushed under fallen buildings. 

"But I'm sure you'd notice the hair colour .. or the eyes, correct?" They asked once more, their voice threatened, eyes demanding for them to say what they wanted to hear. No guilt or shame seen in their mad like eyes over causing the camp to fall as it was, to have killed so many while simply searching for one person. 

"Y-Yeah, i-it was her. I-I'm sure it was" He shakily answered, nodding his head rapidly as they finally released it and left him kneeled down before them, cries and screams filling the air around them still. 

"Good" They replied, a sly smirk on their lips and a satisfied look in their eyes. 

"P-Please man, l-let me go. I-I've told you everything you want-ack" He started to plead, wanting to save his pitiful life but was silenced as their masettie knife sliced across his next. 

They kneeled down, cleaning their blood stained masetti with the poor man top before standing up. Eyes reflecting the growing fires before them and in the distance, they could tell where the bloater was throwing it's sacks to anyone who had still survived this long. 

Turning their gaze back to the old, printed off security photo gripped in their hand before turning their head in the new direction they had to go. A menacing grin on their lips as they knew they were close, so very close to their wanted prey capture. 

With Shidge, Keith and Lance..

A couple days had passed since they all agreed to leave the school. Leaving in the morning the next day and headed in a new direction where hopefully the bandit camp would try searching for them. All pushing themselves to make a decent distance from the town they hid in, not wanting to risk the camp coming after them.

They took a few supplies from the school. Canned soup, water bottles and an extra pair of newish clothing for them. A extra blanket joined their bag and a few medical supplies, mostly bandages or plasters. Lance did stick a few of the medication from the medical box into his bag, in case the worse did happen to any of them but most of it was left in the medical box. Hidden out of mere sight until people searched the stacked boxes. 

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