Babysitter. Part two.

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I cant sleep. My thoughts wont leave me alone. I begin to cry and the voices in my mind are shouting at me. I have no control over my head. I wish it would stop. I grab my cushion beside my bed and scream into it. I would give anything to make these thoughts go away.

I decide to get up and head downstairs and sit up the kitchen table until my mum would come downstairs for her breakfast. Thankfully I managed to sleep most of the night, so the sun was just rising. An hour passes and my mum comes down stairs.

"How long have you been up for?" My mum asks concerned.

"About an hour or so." I say.

"You should have woken me I could of helped you get to sleep again darlin." She said feeling bad.

" No mum dont feel bad its ok. Im not very tired anyway." I lied.

"Alright love. Also I have some exciting news. After yesterdays anxiety episode I managed to find someone who would be happy to look after ya when Im gone. And I think that their perfect for you."

"Doubt they are." I snapped.

"Listen Y/N there is NO way I am letting you stay on your own keeping yourself worried all night. You need someone here to protect you if anything happens. End of conversation."

I sigh and go upstairs to get ready for the day.


Today couldnt have gone any slower especially with me racking my brain with who is looking after me whilst my mum is away. Topping it all of my mum wont even tell me. Supposedly its a surpise. But I bet it wont be a good one.

Evening arrives and I have to get ready for my 'babysitter' to arrive. My mum says I have to look a little bit presentable. Her words were " At least make yourself look as it you havnt been sitting down watching tv all day." Even though I have.

I decide to chuck on a new sweatshirt and my favourite pair of jogging bottoms. At least I tried to look good. Afterwards I chuck my hair up in a loose pony tail and head downstairs sitting on the sofa with my earphones in. Thankfully my music calms me down enough and I dont panic too much that is until I hear the doorbell.

I jump out of my calm phase and begin panicking. But its too late to grab my medication. I put my knees on my chest and try to hide my face in my sleeves of my sweatshirt and prepare myself.

My mum answers the door and invites the 'babysitter' in I remove my earphones so I can hear what they're saying. I cant hear much of what they are saying its just faint mumbles to me but I hear a mans voice which gives me a lot more questioning in my head. My mum shouts to me " Bye Y/N Im going to leave you with your babysitter now. Please be on your best behaviour. Love you." She leaves without a hug or nothing.

I get ready to meet my new babysitter. Hearing his footsteps make me even more tense, before he walks in I hear a voice that is so familiar with me one I have known for what seems my entire life " Hiya love you alright."

Then he walks in.

I look up and give him the brightest smile ever! ITS DOMINIC BLOODY HARRISON.

I try to get my words out. "H-hi."

"Hiya. Your mum says you need someone to look after ya for the night." He smiles brightly and giggles.

"Yeah thats right. How are you even here right now?" I say shocked.

"You only live a few minutes away from where I was in donny and my manager owed your mum a favour from ages ago." He explained. "And he asked me if I could help out an old friend of his. Your mum mentioned you were a fan of me and you needed someome to settle down your anxiety whilst she was away and here I am." He says giggling.

"Omg this is mad. I cant believe your here." I say whilst tears form in my eyes.

"Aww come here man." Dom says whilst joining me on the sofa and giving me a big hug.

I bury my head into his jumper he was wearing. Not wanting to let go.

He lets go of me in the end and says " Talk to me about ya anxiety mate. What causes it?"

I explain that "It only occurs when my mum is going to leave me or when I think something bad is going to happen to her. She could even be downstairs and I could think she is going to be taken away. It all started when my dad left me a few years ago and my anxiety built up from there realising if my mum left I would be on my own." I try to stay strong but I fall apart tears begin streaming down my face and my breathing increases.

Dom notices what is happening and almost immediately acts. He grabs me and places my head on his chest and holds me to stabilise my emotions. "Shh shh shh its ok Y/N its ok you dont have to worry im here for ya." I scream into his chest "WHY WONT THEY LEAVE ME ALONE?! "Who wont leave you alone?" He says worried. "The thoughts in my stupid head." I sob. I grab a hold of him tighter. He strokes my back and reminds me how everything is going to be good and only I know best and my thoughts shouldnt have control over me.

I begin to calm down and just gently cry into his sweatshirt. "Im sorry." I say faintly. "There is nothing to be sorry about." He plants a light kiss on top of my head. I begin to breathe normally and eventually stop crying. "Come on lets find something to do to take ya mind of everything." Dom says.

"Ok" I reply.


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