His hoodie.

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*Im so sorry about not posting in ages I havnt had the energy or ideas to be honest lol. Because I am running out of ideas doesnt mean Im going to stop writing, dont worry lol.:)*

Y/N: Your name.

Today is the day Dom goes on tour in europe. He did ask me if I wanted to go with him but I hate being away from home it triggers my anxiety too much.

Course if Dom was going to be away for only a little bit I would come but its a month going around different places in Europe not stopping. Thats too much for me to handle.

With all his suitcases now packed in the hall Im just finishing helping him sort out his bag.

"Are you sure youve got everything Dommy?" I ask concerned.

"Yes darlin dont worry. Ive got everythin." He says zipping up hig bag.

"Alright just checking." I reply.

"Are you sure youre gonna be ok by yourself Y/N?"He asks taking his bag from the kitchen placing it in the hall. "You know its never to late to come with me."

"I cant Dommy." I admit following him into the hall." Its too long away from home. And continuously going from place to place is just gonna stress me out."

"I understand love dont worry about it." He says kissing my cheek and giving me a tight hug.

I know he said that I shouldnt worry about it but I cant help but feel bad for Dom. Yeah course he gonna have all his mates with him but I feel bad for not being with him.

"You sure youre gonna be alright by yourself darlin?" Dom asks hugging me tighter.

"Suppose so." I reply vaguely.

"What about with your anxiety darlin? I know how bad you can get."

He lets go of me gently and stares worriengly into my eyes.

"I can cope its fine. Theres nothing to worry about."

"Hold on, may have something for ya." He says running up the stairs.

"What is it dom?" I shout.

He races back down the stairs with one of his hoodies he hasnt packed to take with him.

"Whats this for dommy?" I ask confused.

"Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed and anxious and shit you can wear this hoodie and it'll be like Im holding ya."

Tears form in my eyes as Dom hands me the hoodie.

"Thanks Dommy." I say looking down at his hoodie he handed me.

We both hear a car horn go of outside meaning Tom is here to pickup Dom.

"Right best fuckin head of darlin." He says getting his suitcase and bag together.

I walk up to him and give him a tight hug. He doesnt hesitate to hug me back as he plays with my hair.

"I love you so much Y/N."

"I Love you too Dommy."

We both let go of eachother and share a goodbye kiss.

I open the door for Dommy as he walks out with his luggage. I wave to Tom as he sits in the driving seat patiently waiting for Dom. He gives me a quick smile and wave whilst Dom puts his luggage in the boot.

Dom heads over to the passenger side door.

"Ring you once Im at the airport alright darlin?"

"Alright see ya soon Dommy love ya." I reply.

"Love ya too angel."

He gets into the car and waves whilst him and Tom drive of, I wave back and head inside.

I shut the door and place Doms hoodie on already feeling better.

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