Red Carpet.

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*Omf Thankyou so much for all the reads. I appreciate it so much I never thought my stories would get this attention.x I am so sorry I have not updated regularly, I have been busy with homework and I have gone on holiday. Again any suggestions on stories just comment or message. Enjoy the story. Love you guys.x*

Y/N: Your name.

Award show tonight, me and my band are nominated for 1 award but we are forced to be there for the entire night to show our support. Even though I hardly know anyone there.

The event is quite massive so Im surprised we are even nominated for a single award.

My band has 4 people in it, including me. Im close with every one of them but Im especially close with the drummer James. Hes everything to me, whenever Im in need. The others are nice, of course, but since we have become famous they always have there heads up their arses about fame and not people near them.

We are soon getting close to the venue in our car.

"Do we really have to do this? Im happy just seeing if I won by one of you guys ringing me after." I say begging they let me leave.

"No youre staying here, youre apart of this band and we all worked hard enough for this nomination. Besides we dont have to talk to anyone. Thank god." James smiles as he takes a swig of his beer.

As we arrive outside there are people screaming and cameras flashing.

"I cant wait to see their faces drop as they see we are not what they are waiting for at all." I comment while staring out the window.

We all prepare ourselves mentally for what we are going to have to intend with. "Come on then guys lets go." James announces. As we all get out the car.

As we are walking past, people are still cheering and the cameras are still going but we know its only because we are remotely famous. A few people right beside the entrance were genuine fans and asked for autographs, which is a rareity, so we have no worry doing it.

As we enter the venue we take in our surroundings before we all begin to walk to where we are meant to. Before that we are stopped by a guy with a microphone looking happy to see us.

"Is there a chance we can get a interview with you guys please?" The interviewer smiles.

"Of course." I butt in before anyone can say anything.

He continues asking all the basic questions that our lead singer, Jack, answers a few of the main questions while everyone else in the band adds in their own opinions. And I on the other hand couldnt give a fuck what hes on about I am looking around with the realisation now hitting me why Im here and how beautiful this building is.

As Im looking around I clock eyes with a familiar face. Ive seen his interviews online and listened to his music before, its Yungblud. I do like his songs and I have just thought he looked lke a over all cool dude honestly. My train of thoughts are interupted.

"Well thankyou guys for answering questions. Enjoy your night." The interviewer announces.

We all thank him and I take one last look over to Yungblud before we all walk into the main awards venue bit.

As we go into the main venue area we are surrounded by tables as far as the eye can see, people already engaging in conversation with people on there tables, there is a massive stage way ahead of us with people sorting out the michrophone stand and the lights. I look behind me to see there is another floor as people are looking over the balcony.

This place is fucking huge.

"We are over here." James pulls me out of my thoughts.

We now walk over to our table and we take our seats. There are two chairs now remaining.

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