Christmas Movie.

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*This is my first smut. Oh god. I am planning on doing more btw. And there probably going to be better than this one. Please dont be harsh lol.♡*

Trigger warning: Smut, head female recieving, unprotected sex.

Y/N: Your name.

Its a winter evening and me and Dom are cuddling up together on the sofa watching chrsitmas movies. I love watching Christmas movies cuddled up with Dom, its something I look forward to every year. Me and him cosy underneath a blanket in eachothers arms. But I think this time Dom has something else planned.

As the film waa getting close to the end I could see Dom getting more fidgety trying to hint what he wants. I knew what he wanted but I wasnt going to give it to him that easily.

To try and get my attention he places his hand on the inside of my thigh sending butterflies in my stomach slowly making me become more weak for him. I bite my lip surpressing me from making a noise.

He notices my reaction and smirks beginning to kiss my neck soon finding my weak spot. I moan at the feeling. He moves from my neck to my lips kissing them roughly as he takes the blanket away from us. "Wanna head upstairs?" He says breathing heavily. "Yes!" I immediately reply back.

He grabs my hand taking me upstairs and going into our bedroom shutting the door behind us. He takes of his shirt and leans me againt the wall kissing my lips as hard as he can. My hand is gripping his hair tightly making him moan into the kisses. "Fockin el Y/N."

He grabs the bottom of my tshirt gently pulling it up and over my head then acknowledging me. "You look beautiful." He smiles. Going straight for my chest leaving hickies wherever he goes. He feels so good. I grab his jogging bottoms and tug at them wanting him to take them off. He removes his jogging bottoms revealing his hard on even more. I look down and smirk at him as I remove my jogging bottoms aswell leaving me only in my lingerie.

He picks me up and places me on the bed kissing all the way down my body making me get wetter from every kiss. He stops as soon as he reaches my underwear. "May I?" He asks smirking at me. "Please!" I moan. He slowly takes of my underwear chucking them on the floor." your so wet for me." He says as he begins to gently kiss my clit. I melt at the feeling never wanting him to stop. He noitces my reaction and begins to lick my clit his tongue doing wonders inside me. "I think I-m gonna cum." I moan out.

As soon as I say that he stops. "Baby... what? I was so close." I whine.

"You really think it was gonna be that easy?" He smirks as he takes of his pants and lines himself up towards my entrance. "Dom pleease!" I whine. Once I begged him he pushed his dick inside me."Fuck Dom." I moan as I claw my nails againt his back. I feel a knot in my stomach almost immediately. "Dom I think Im gonna..."

"Cum for me princess." He says grinding into me.

I feel the knot in my stomach go as I cum on his dick, arching my back as I moan. Dom then doing the same not long after me.

Both of us then lay down beside eachother smiling to ourselves whilst trying to get our breath back.

"Happy now?" I smile looking over at him .

"Very." He says looking at me out of breath. "Come on darlin lets get you cleaned up yeah? You did so good." He says kissing me on the lips then heading straight to the bathroom to get a towel. He comes back and cleans both of us up.

We both get into the bed covers and cuddle naked both of us drifting of in eachothers arms.

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