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*Requested by EmilyRose_666. She wrote the story line to this and everything so thankyou for letting me write this. I have plenty of other ideas now so new story hopefully next week. Also we hit 11k so thankyou so much. Love you all.*

Singer song writer Yungblud is pronounced dead, he sadly passed away trying to break up a fight when one them of grabbed a knife out of there pocket and stabbed the singer with it. He later died from excessive blood loss. Thoughts and prayers are sent to his friends family and his community of fans.

I stare at the tv broken. My heart is aching, I dont know what to think of now. How can people be so cruel and always result in violence in situations which dont need it.

I place the tv remote down and get of from the sofa. I slowly walk backwards and forwards in my appartment trying to comprehend what I just heard. I want to cry so badly but no tears are forming. Only denial and pain is in my mind right now.

My thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking on my door. Who the fuck can that be?! Nobody ever visits me.

I slowly open my door and I am greeted by a presence I would least expect.

I stutter my words in disbelief and utter denial.

"D-dom?" I question staring in the worried mans eyes.

"Thank fock somebody who knows me.' He says sighing in relief. "Urm yeah, can I come in please Im begging ya."

"Yeah course." I say moving out of the way.

"Cheers." He says rushing into my appartment. I slowly close the door and face him.

He glances over to the tv which is stil showing him on the news. One of his friends is speaking now.

'Here are some words from one of his friends.' “I was absolutely gutted when I found out. He was my
best friend and I loved him so much. He always tried to do good and made us laugh. Whoever did this
I will find you and you will pay. I love you Dom. You will always be in my heart.

He grabs the remote from the coffee table and turns it off. "What a load of bollocks."

I look over to him in confusion. "Umm Mr Blud who was that? I mean I know some of your friends lke, umm people you tour with and what not but Ive never seen him before."

"Mr Blud, thats cute." He smiles. "But please call me Dom. And no he aint my mate. All my mates know Im stil alive."

"Oh ok. My names Lora by the way. I remember meeting you in your concert last year I gave you a necklace."

"Oh yeah I remember. It was this one right?" He says pulling a necklace out of his tshirt.

"You stil have it? I thought you would just not bother wearing it after I gave it to you."

"Nah course not. I never chuck out stuff my family gives me" He says looking at the necklace smiling. Did he just call me family?

"Umm Dom. How are you... lke what actually is happening right now? Why did you fake your death?"

"Cause the government want me dead." He says. "Probably cause of me hating them or something yknow. And how I always bring up my hate for them and why everyone should hate them."

"Shit man." I reply shocked.

"Yeah. People were looking for me all the fockin time to the point where I couldnt escape them. So I decided fock it, theres only a one way of getting out of this." He nervously says.

"Does your family know youre alive? They must be fuckin devastated right now Dom."

"Nah they dont. But as I said my mates do. They helped me plan everything and to help fake eveything. After my death had been announced and shit I was gonna head back to my house but I thought they arent gonna give up that easily so thats when I decided to go to the closest place around me at that time and hope to fock no body rats me out. But guess I got lucky." He smiles.

"So what are you gonna do now?" I ask worried.

"I have no fockin clue man."

"Guess youll be staying here for a while then." I giggle.

"Suppose so." He replies giggling.

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