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Trigger warning: Light smut.

Y/N: Your name

"This party is so boring." I announce.

"Come on just give it a go please? You might have some fun." My mate Louisse states.

Louisse is one of my best friends. She is the one who dragged me to this shit party. I only did it so she wouldnt be alone I couldnt let her go alone to a party.

"Lemme get you a drink. Liven things up a bit." She giggles grabbing my hand going through the crowd of people.

We make our way to the kitchen and pick out our favouirte drinks of the kitchen counter. I choose a beer, my all time favourite, and Louisse chooses a spirit which is her usual go to at parties. We both stand in the kitchen having a chat trying to be louder than the songs blasting out in the living room.

"See anyone ya fancy?" She asks me.

"Not really. Most of these people here look good but I know how bitchy they really are." I admit.

"Ooh, how about him?"

Louisse points at a lonely boy standing in the corner on his phone. He has brown fluffy hair and is wearing a black polo tshirt, fred perry jacket, black jeans and a pair of converse shoes.

"Hes alright. I suppose." I shrug.

That was the biggest load of bullshit that had ever came out of my mouth. He looks amazing. I didnt want to say anything incase Louisse spoke to him or did something to embarass me infront of him.

"Ugh your hopeless." She rolls her eyes.

I take another look at the boy in the corner. I wonder if hes on his own. Ive never seen him before.

Before I think even more, his eyes shot directly in my direction. Our eyes stay looking at eachothers. The boy nods his head at me and smiles then going back to his phone. I look over to Louisse to see if she had noticed what happened but she was to busy looking at everyone dancing.

After a long silence Louisse breaks it"Wanna go somewhere more quiet?

"Yeah come on then." We both head upstairs and find an empty room we can sit in.

Once we have found an empty room we both sit down and talk again, mainly about everyones outfits and how pissed some people are. I think this is so much better than being downstairs, I dont mind a party but can it atleast have some good songs and people at least.

"I know youve been putting this of, but we need to get you a boyfriend Y/N. Honestly" She announces.

I raise my eyebrow at her. "Mate I cant. Believe me I cant."

"But why? You a virgin or something?" She laughs.

My eyes widen, I drink my drink avoiding the question.

"Y/N? Youve never had sex?" She questions.

I dont know why Ive never mentioned it to her before.

I shake my head." Nope. I aint even had a love bite before mate?"


"Shutup!" I shout. "Do you want every focker to know?"

"Sorry, sorry. I just cant believe you have never had one before, everyone has. Or I guess thats what I thought."

Me and Louisse dont really say much to eachother after that me because Im too annoyed at her and her because she cant get over what I said.

We both look up after a while of silence to see a boy standing in the doorway staring at Louisse.

"Louisse there you are Ive been looking everywhere for you. Wanna head back to mine? A few of my mates are coming back with me." Adam states.

Louisse and Adam have always fancied eachother but both of them have been to pussy to say anything or make a first move so theyve just remained as 'friends' for the time being.

"Umm..." She looks at me. I nod my head as a way of saying she can. I want to get out of this place anyway.

Louisse doesnt hesitate. She leaps of the side of the bed we were sat on and goes out of the door which Adam was holding for her.

Cheeky bitch didnt even say goodbye.

Adam shuts the door.

I get of the bed and leave the room heading towards the hallway downstairs.
I take out my phone and message my other close mate Tom to pick me up. I dont wanna wait for him outside, its to cold, so I decide to stay in the hallway. Thankfully everyone else is in the living room and the kitchen having a good time.

I was just scrolling through my phone when I heard someone walk near me. I didnt want to look behind me and make things awkward so I just carried on with what I was doing which was jack shit.

The person behind me is getting close. I cant take this suspence any longer so I tilt my head around a little bit and notice its the boy I fancied when I was in the kitchen, thankfully he didnt clock me. God hes cute. His eyes are emerald green and his lips are so plump and look so soft, I want to kiss him so bad!

"Alright darlin?" I hear a voice behind me, yet again I turn around and see the boy standing there smiling at me.

"Mhm. Im good thankyou." I faintly smile. I try to be as blunt as possible because I dont want to say something stupid and make a prick out of myself.

"What you doing here alone?" He pouts.

"My mate focked of with her crush and left me to make my own way home."

"I was gonna say werent you with someone?"

"Yeah. But she only cares about herself yknow. Even when I was with her upstairs she was shouting all my secrets and shit out." I snap.

"Oh yeah, I heard." He admits. "Its nothing to be embarrased about though mate."

"Ugh it is." I say leaning on the banister looking down at my shoes.

"Nah course it aint mate." He reasures moving a little bit to stand slightly behind me. We both dont say anything, as much as I want to speak to him Im too embarrased he knows. "Theres always a first time for everything, ay?" Without being able to think he grabs my hair gently from one side of my head and leaves one side of my neck fully exposed.

"So.. do ya mind If I?" He says.

I realise what he is planning on doing. I cant say no to what hes about to do especially when its him whos doing it.

"Course not." I smile trying hardest not to freak out about whats happening.

He kisses up and down my neck softly until after a few kisses he grows comfortable with me and gets n rougher. I bite my lip trying to surpress my moans. After a while he finds my weak spot and I begin to quitely moan hoping no fucker hears me. He begins to get even rougher staying at the same spot of my neck because he knows how much that part makes me weak. I can tell my neck is getting painted with hickies because they sting ever so slightly, but in the best way possible.

Much to my disgust he removes his lips of my neck and fluffs his hair and smiles. I stroke my hand on the side of my neck he was on not believing what has just happened.

"Happy now darlin?" He grins.

I turn around giggling.

"Mhm. Very happy."

"Come on man lemme take you outside we can wait for ya mate together." He announces.

"Alright." I smile.

We both head outside. "Fockin hell man what a great introduction to eachother." He giggles. "Whats ya name?"

"Y/N. You?" I reply.

"Im Dominic, you can call me Dom."

"Well Dom, thanks for everything." I giggle.

"No worries man." Dom places his arm around me and lightly kisses my head. "Yknow were gonna have to see eachother again and do this again, yeah?"

"Course we are mate." I smile and lean my head on his shoulder.

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