Babysitter. Final part.

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Time is going so much quicker when Dom is with me I feel so safe. I havnt worried once since my last panic attack.

The time at the moment was 11:30, me and Dom are watching my favouirte film IT. Even though I have seen this film too many times it scares me to death. Whenever there is a jumpscare I get so scared and dom always laughs at me and tell me its alright.

The film has just ended and Dom switches the tv of and says "Listen I know ya going to hate this but your mum said you need to be in bed early."

I glance at him to see if he was joking. He wasnt.

"Really?" I question.

"Ya Mum was pretty serious."

"Aww." I say whilst quickly laying back on the chair.

"Its alright mate, quicker you sleep the quicker your mum can come back." He reasures.

My heart drops, I completely lost track of how long I was apart from my mum.

"Yeah?" Dom whispers.

Im trying to fight back my thoughts whilst I say "Yeah whatever." And stand up making my way upstairs.

I decide to quickly brush my teeth and get my bedtime ragger clothes on and hop into bed and try to not have another anxiety attack near dom. I have this pesky thought in my head which tells me Im really babyish, especially earlier tonight when Dom took care of me.

I bury myself in my covers and try to sustain my thoughts. My phone vibrates.

'Hiya love, hope you are doing ok be home in the morning love you.'

That message is from my mum.

My eyes are flooding with tears. Thats when I hear my bedroom door open.

"Hiya, you ready for bed..." He pauses. "Whats up man?" He sits on my bed back to the bedboard.

I shake my head.

"Its alright you dont have to tell me." He puts his arm around me and strokes my back.

"I feel so stupid." I whimper.

"Youre not stupid love, believe me. Its not your fault your mind makes you think this way."

"Suppose not." I whisper.

After a while of silence dom breaks it with this question.

"What triggered all of this?" He looks at me sympethetically.

"My dad left me and my mum a few years ago. Making me realise if my mum did the same I would have no one to be with." I say whilst my voice breaks.

"Its alright, your mum would never leave you. She loves ya too much. Even when she spoke to my manager on message she was saying how much she loves you." He mentions.

My eyes widen. "Really?" I stare into doms eyes.

"Mhm." He grins.

I lay back down.

"Thanks for this dom. Youve really helped me. Not just today." I mention.

"No need to thank me love." Dom says whilst moving closer to me and stroking my back.

I place my hand were his baggy hoodie sits on him perfectly and slowly close my eyes.

"Night Y/N." Dom says.

"Night." I whisper.

I fall asleep.

Mums pov:

Thankgod I managed to get away a bit earlier hopefully Dom and Y/N are ok.

I open the door using my key and shout "Hiya Im home." Theres no response. I check the living room which is the main place she would be. Nothing.

I run upstairs and go to check her room and there I see Y/N and dom fast asleep.

"Aww bless" I whisper.

Guess Dom is going to be here more often then.

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