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Y/N: Your name.

Its the afternoon and I am planning what I am going to wear on my date tonight with my boyfriend. Weve been planning to go on a proper date for a while now saying so our usual dates are usually unformal and not planned so we thought why not just try out a date we all need.

I need to find an outfit which is nice than my usual ones. I wanna make an effort.

I lean into my wardrobe to get a pair of shoes I have been saving for a special occasion I grab the box and wipe the dust of ot. God I need to leave the house more. Whilst doing that I sneeze as a reaction due to the dust everywhere.

Something feels weird.

"Omg no it cant be already."

I run to bathroom the and go to the toilet and find out the worse.

"No no shit!" I say placing my head in my hands.

Of course. Of all days it turns up today. No wonder Ive felt lke shit most of the day. I cant go out tonight.


Everything is sorted out thank god I just need to tell Dom now. I run downstairs and sit on the sofa and I grab my phone out to call Dom.

He answers the phone.

"Hiya Y/N whats up?"

"Hey Dom, umm I cant come out tonight."

"Why not darlin?" He replies confused.

"Umm I just have really bad cramps and all that." I admit.

"Aww Y/N you should have told me ages ago."

"It only arrived today, if you get what I mean."

"Course I do darlin, I'll be round in an hour."

"No its fine you dont have to Dommy."

"Its fine I'll see ya later dont worry about it Y/N."

"Alright see ya later."

"See ya."

I lie down on my sofa and turn the tv on, clenching my stomach in pain. This sucks.


An hour goes by and I hear a knock on the door. Im to lazy to get up and greet him as I alway do. "Its open." I shout. The door opens and I am greeted with Dom and his bubbly self.

"Hiya Y/N." He says running into the living room. "How did you know Id be in this room?" I smile. "Just a guess." He replies. I smile and slowly get up from the sofa. "Ow." I whimper.

"Darling stay sat down." He says slowly moving me to sit on the sofa.

"Im fine really Dom." I say sat on the sofa.

"Youre in pain Y/N. You need to relax."

"Fine I say relaxing on the sofa. Can you lie with me though Dom."

"Course I can." He says as he gets on the sofa and we both cuddle beside eachother. "Dya need anything darlin?" He says placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"Im ok Dommy, just stay here with me."I say holding onto him tighter.

"Alright darlin." He says holding me tighter as we both watch tv.

My attention from the tv breaks as sadness and guilt overcomes me. "Sorry we couldnt go out tonight Dom." I say looking up at him.

"Why ya saying sorry for?" He asks.

"We were both really looking forward to it and I ruined it, its all my fault. I was really looking forward to going out tonight Dommy I really was." I cry.

"Woah hey hey dont get upset about it Y/N I dont mind honestly. As long as Im with ya I dont care." He admits.

"But I stil feel so bad."

"Babe honestly theres no reason getting upset about it, we can do it again another day. Yeah?" He says smiling at me trying to cheer me up.

"Ok." I say kissing his lips. I place my head on his chest as I cuddle onto him.

"Do you want me to make you anything?" He asks.

"Can I have a tea?"

"Course you can darling." He says kissing my head and slowly getting up.

I rearange myself on the sofa as I wait for Dom.

He comes back a few minutes later with a cup of tea in his hand as he hands it to me.

"Thankyou." I say taking a sip of the drink.

"I can stay over if ya lke." Dom announces.

"You dont have to. Its fine." I say smiling at him.

"Its alright I wanna."

"Ok." I say taking another sip of my tea.

We then watch tv for a bit.

"Where were you gonna take me tonight." I ask curious.

"Do you wanna ruin the surprise for next time?" He says looking at me raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah fuck it, tell me." I excitingly ask.

"Well I was gonna take you to your favourite restaurant then go on a nice walk afterwards and back to mine."

"Aww thats perfect Dommy." I reply. "Im sorry we cant do that."

"Its fine angel. Dont worry." He says wrapping his arm around me.

"Have ya finished your tea?" He asks.

"Mhm yep all done."

"Come on then lets head upstairs."  He says putting the mug on the coffee table and standing up putting his hand out for me.

I take his hand as he helps me up and we both walk upstairs hand in hand. We get to my room and we both cuddle in bed together.

"Do you need anything darlin?" He asks placing a kiss on my head.

I shake my head." Im ok thankyou."

"If you do let me know yeah?"

"Ok thankyou. Love you Dom"

"Love you too."

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