Valentines day.

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* I am aware this chapter is called valentines day and Im uploading it a while after valentines day but I completely forgot to publish it. Hope you enjoy it.♡*

Y/N: Your name.


My eyes open slowly as I turn to the side to see Y/N still fast asleep. Bless her. She looks so fockin cute when she is asleep.

I know today is a day that means a lot to her.

Valentines day.

The best day of the year. The day where every focker can be as soppy and as loved up as they want and no one can judge them.

I think Valentines day is one of the best times of the year. Its a day where I can treat Y/N like even more of a princess. Seeing her reaction when I give her a bouquet of flowers or a teddy bear really puts a smile on my face.

This year Ive decided to treat her even more than just a bouquet of flowers, Ive decided to give her a gift shes not going to forget for a long time.

I slowly budge up towards Y/N as I try not to wake her. I gently guide my finger down her thigh slowly getting closer to her core. By this time her eyes have slowly began opening as she tries to realise what is happening.

"Dommy what are you..." I stop her mid sentence as I begin playing with her clit.


Oh my god he feels so good. His fingers are doing wonders inside me.

"F-faster D-d-dommy." I moan wanting more.

"As you wish darlin." He says adding another finger going faster. "Youre so wet for me princess."

My legs begin to shake as I cum all over his fingers. He licks both of his fingers clean as he then begins to roughly kiss me.

He lets go of my lips as he sits up. "Are you sure you want to do this baby?"

Hes too cute.

"Please Dommy." I reply craving him.

As soon as I finish my sentence he takes of his boxers revealing his hard on even more and grabs a condom slipping it on. As hes doing that I remove my nickers fully only leaving me in my bra.

He climbs on top of me and starts grinding his dick into me roughly. My nails claw into his back as pleasure takes over my body.

His hips are grinding into mine, as quick as he can, not stopping. Dom goes deeper and harder this time hitting my gspot.

"Mmm Dommy." I moan out wanting to cum. "Im going to c-cum."

"Cum for me angel." Dom replies.

I immediately cum all over his dick. Dom grinds into me through the orgasm after a while cumming aswell.

He slowly gets of me and lies back onto the bed trying to catch his breath. He looks over towards me and grins.

"Cant believe we just did that." He says shocked.

"Tell me about it." I say giggling to myself.

"Come here angel." Dom puts his arms out for me to cuddle with him.

We both cuddle eachother and I slowly begin to fall back asleep exhausted from what just happened.

"Happy Valentines Day Y/N."

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