Sleepy Dom.

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*Thankyou so much for 8k reads its actually mental how many people are reading these so thankyou. Also sorry this story is so short:)*

This was requested by caitlyn064.

Y/N: Your name.

Its late and me and Dom are watching tv we were out quite late so when we came back we just cuddled up with eachother on the sofa and havnt moved since.

"You alright darling?" I ask him brushing his hair out of his face.

"Mhm yeah." He says cuddling up to me closer. "Can we watch somethin else?"

"But why I lke this programme Dommy."

"Cause its pretty shit." He groans.

"Well tough, its good lets just watch it okay?" I reply.

"Please Y/N! Lets just change it." He begs looking up at me.

"Why are you so needy right now Dommy?" I sigh grabbing the remote and changing the channel. "Happier?" I ask.

"Yeah." He replies.

"Imma quickly grab a drink anyway."  I announce getting ready to get up until Dom wraps himself tighter around my waist.

"Dont go Y/N." He whines.

"I just want a drink for focks sake Dommy." I snap. He sighs and lets go allowing me to go to the kitchen and grab a drink.

I grab my drink and go back into the living room and cuddle up with Dom. As I get comfortable he lets out a big sigh again.

"Whats up with you tonight Dom?" I ask taking a sip of my drink.

"Nothing." He replies. "I just want you to stay here with me."

I stroke his hair gently. "Youre such a baby." I giggle placing my drink down and finally holding him.

As the tv show eventually finishes I have a look at the time and realise how late it actually is. I turn the tv off and look down at Dom to see him fast asleep.

I gently kiss the top of his head and begin falling asleep cuddled up beside him.

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