Taken Advantage.

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*I wrote this chapter as a way of saying it is not ok to take advantage of girls, or anyone for that matter. No means no. Whether that person is wearing normal clothes or something revealing it doesnt give you the right to think they want to have sex.♡
Also sorry for not posting in ages havnt had energy to, Im back with posting more frequently now. Any request please comment or message.*

Trigger Warning: Sexual assault, abuse.

For a treat me and Dom have gone to our local pub for a few drinks tonight. Were both suckers for pubs especially our local one. The atmosphere is amazing and youre always meeting new people there.

There has been times where there is live music and Dom has sung some songs with the local bands there. Everyone chanting along to british tunes and being drunk as anything never fails to put a smile on my face.

Recently however going there has been people getting too drunk. Im not talking about when youre tipsy and laughing about with your mates. I mean the type when people believe that they can do anything to anyone and get away with it.


Tonight Dom and I are sat in our usual corner of the pub. Both of us drinking a pint and chatting about things happening in our life.

"You havin fun babe?" Dom asks

"Yeah loads! "I reply as I take the final sip of my beer.

Dom smiles at me.

"Need a new one?" He asks looking down at my empty glass.

"Yeah go on then, fuck it." I reply.

"Alright." He says as he stand up grabbing his wallet. "Back in a second darlin." Dom says as he walks away from the table to the bar.

As Im sitting at the table waiting for the drinks I cant help but feel as if someones watching me. I look in front of me and see a man looking directly at me with a smirk on his face. He is with a group of other boys however he only seems interested in me. I look down at the table trying not to make eye contact with him again.

A few seconds later Dom come back with a beer.

"Here ya are." He places my beer infront of me.

"Cheers Dommy." I reply pleased and relived that he is back.

I hope now the man realises that Im with someone he can fuck of.

As much as I dont want to, I look back at him. He winks at me and raises his glass to me. I start to get uncomfortable.

Can he not see how hes making me feel.

I start to twiddle with the rings on my finger as my anxiety builds up. Thankfully dom notices straight away.

"Whats up Teresa?" He says holding my hand.

I dont want to tell him about the situation. That would ruin the night even more. Who knows what could start out between them if I told Dom everything. I decide to lie.

"Nothin. Just a bit crowded in here. Making me a bit nervous." I lie. "Might just pop outside for a bit." I slowly stand up.

"Alright. But if anything happens call me ok. Imma be right here for ya."

"Thanks Dom." I reply leaning down and kissing him on the lips.

If that isnt a hint to the man I dont know what is.

I head out the entrance and go near the smoking area I lean back on the wall and take a deep breath in.

I begin to calm down until I hear foot steps come near me.

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