Suicide note.

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*Thankyou so much for 1k read, I really appreciate it.♡ Because I hit 1k I was wondering, if anyone would a smut story written. I have no clue if it would be any good but worth a try anyway. Any requests of the smut please comment.*

'___' Teresas thoughts.

Trigger warning: Mention of suicide, mental health, hate.

I cant deal with life anymore. The constant struggle of not doing well or hating yourself Im fed up with it. If Imma spend all my life crowded with these depressive thoughts and moment of self hate then really there is no point of carrying on.

I dont care about anyone in this world, except my boyfriend Dom which is why its easier to fade away knowing Im only hurting one person really. But the hardest part is that I know how hurt he would be.

I pace around my kitchen taking deep breaths in trying to erase the voices telling me shit I dont wanna know. I cant help but believe whatever they say are right. Nothing good can come out of my head anymore.

'No ones would care if you die... no one.'

'You know that your family dont even speak or care about you no more.'

'Dom is only with you because he feels sorry for you.'

This isnt even new to hear anymore.

I know exactly what I need to do to erase these thoughts permamently and I know exactly where Im gonna go to do it. Nows the perfect time to do it. I know exactly how Im gonna do this. I know exactly what I must do.

I run over to my drawer grabbing out a pen and paper writing a note for Dom, I couldnt leave him without saying goodbye. I fold up the letter writing his name on the back with a kiss next to it. My eyes water as I place the pen down and head to the hall.

I put my shoes on and shut the door not bothering to lock it. Beginning to walk to my final place I wanna head too.


I head back home from the recording studio eager to see if teresa would love what I did today. I get my keys out of my pocket and go to open the door when I realise it is already unlocked. Its pretty late in the evening, but maybe she went to sleep and forgot to lock up bless her.

I open the door and enter the house taking my shoes of and shutting the door. "Teresa?" I say quitely. No reply.

I wander into the living room ,tv on but no sight of her. I then check the kitchen but she aint there, nothing is even standing out to hint where she is beside a note. I walk over to the note with my name on the top. I start to get nervous. Slowly opening the letter.

'To Dommy,

If you have found this note then you must have come home from the studio, sorry Im not here to greet you though darlin.

The problem is Im to scared of the voice in my head to live anymore, I live knowing the voices in my head telling me I aint good enough arent gonna leave. Even when youre here with me theyre telling me that you don't care about me. The constant reasurance I crave from you always disapears the moment you say I love you.

Im sorry we couldnt have a goodbye kiss so Ive headed to the place we shared our first.

Love you always Dommy, thankyou for everything...'

My eyes well up. I scrunch up the note and run to the hallway placing my shoes on and racing out of the door. Trying get to her in time.


Ive finally arrived at where I wanted to leave, this is one of the favourite place I go to because of how much it means to Dom.

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