Panic at concerts.

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Requested by madisonHolness0.

*Erin is Y/N best mate.*

Y/N: Your name.

"Come on Y/N we need to get there to be at the front of the line." Erin shouts from downstairs.

"Be there in a second." I shout flustered.

I sigh trying to sort out my hair.

"How long does it take Y/N?" She shouts.

I finally make my hair look good enough and head downstairs . "Finally Y/N we need to be at the concert now the doors open in half an hour. Weve wanted to see Yungblud for so long."

"Well be fine dont worry stop stressing out." I reply.

We both get into the car and drive to the nearest car park. We park up and race down to the venue.

Thankfully we manage to get quite close to the front of the line. All we need to do is wait.


Its been ten minutes and he should be bere any second. Erin is buzzing. My anxiety is kicking in. Everyones shoving and chanting and being so loud and its sending my brain crazy.

Every car that goes past makes everyone go crazy because they assume its gonna be Dom. Im excited of course but maybe I should have though twice about coming.

Between the screams and yelling we hear one girl shout. "DOMS OVER THERE!" We all glance to where she is pointing and we all realise he is actually here.

He slowly gets out of a white range rover. Everyone is screaming and yelling his name for photos. Erin barges past me to get closer to him. I cant fuckin take this any longer. My brain is at a thousand miles per hour. I quickly run through everybody, not as if anybody is slightly interested, and go past the outside of the venue building and go straight to a nearby allyway.

I crouch down and bury my head in my knees. Who knew concerts would be this terrifying.

I stay in the alley way not paying attention to what is happening out of it. I refuse to even step foot outside of the alley way. I feel safer here.

As my anxiety remain I feel as if someone is  infront of me. I slowly lift my head up.

"You alright darlin?" A worried Dom asks.

"Y-yeah Im fine. Honestly." I reply in shock and disbelief.

"Whats ya name?" He asks.


"What you doing over here man?"

"Just a bit too much for me over there yknow. Im wasn't really comfortable with people over there shoving and pushing and shit." I admit.

"Im sorry about that, I know it can be a bit much for some people."

"Its fine honestly." I lightly smile.

He smiles back and slowly stand up placing his hand out. "Come on lets go."

I slowly get up taking his hand.

"Youre gonna be fine ok." He says grabbing my hand tighter.

I nod slowly preparing myself to go out there again.

We slowly walk out of the alleyway and hear everyone scream again. All Dom does is slowly grab my hand tighter and walk beside everyone. He is still himself around them even with people confused as of why he is holding onto me.

"You alright?" He asks me.

"Yeah Im fine." I reply smiling.

I am a lot more calmer, he has made me so relaxed being around him.

Dom follows Tom into the building with him still holding my hand gently. As we get into the venue Dom slowly lets go of my hand and looks at me.

"You ok now love?"

"Yeah Im fine now, I think." I smile. "Thankyou."

"No need to thank me darlin." He smiles. Before I begin to speak I get cut of with my phone ringing. Of Course, its Erin.

"Sorry. I just need to answer this." I answer the call.

"Hello." I say.

"Dude were the fuck are you and how were you with Yungblud?" She shouts with the sound of people chanting in the background.

"Im in the venue and it just happened." I reply. I would tell her the real reason but I dont think she would really care that much.

"Alright, guess I'll see you inside then."

"Guess so. See ya later."

"See ya." She replies ending the call.

"Sorry about that again." I say to Dom.

"No worries darlin, was that ya mate from outside?" He asks.

"Yeah she just wondering where I was."

"We can grab her if you want and place you two up front, so I can keep an eye on ya incase people are being dicks again yknow."

"Are you sure? You dont have to honestly, I dont want you to feel as if yoou need to keep an eye out for me." I admit feeling bad.

"Course darlin its fine. Its gonna be no trouble at all, alright? Just let us know what your friend looks lke and we can go out and grab her." He smiles.

"Ok, umm. She Has dark brown long hair and she is wearing a striped jumper with dark green baggy trousers."

"Right cool. Tom! Did ya get all that?" He asks.

"Yeah got it man. Now going to find er." He leaves the venue going to find Erin.

"I cant believe this is happening omg!" I say tears forming in my eyes.

"Aww come ere mate!" He hugs me as tight as he can." Dont cry ay. Im nothin to cry about." He laughs.

I let go of him and wipe the tears from my eyes. Then I hear the door open and turn around to see Erin standing beside Tom.

"Hey!" She screams in excitement running up to me and giving me a hug.

I hug back." Hiya mate."

We both let go of eachother as Erin puts her hand over her mouth and gasps because of how shocked she is. "Hiya " She says nervously waving at Dom.

"Hiya!" Dom laughs.

"Dya girls wanna get put up front now? Before all the other lot come in." Tom asks.

"Omg yes please." I say in relief.

"Right follow me." Dom says as he starts walking to the concert hall.


We arrive to the empty hall. Its fuckin massive omg and were actually gonna be upfront.

"Right man, you girls are gonna be over here." He says pointing right to the front row where the barrier are. "And if you need anything, Imma be keeping an eye out for ya so you should be fine, cool?"

"Yeah sounds great." I reply.

"Perfect, well Imma get sorted for the performance and you lot go fockin crazy alright." He says walking towards the exit as he blows us a kiss.

Me and Erin race to the front as we jump up and down in excitement not believing what has just happened.


Everybody is in the venue now watching Dom as he prances about on stage singing his songs.

On occasion smiling at me and Erin and making sure were alright. Which obviously we are being around him.

I never want this to end.

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