Black dress.

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This was requested by: Jax_Thetherian

Trigger Warning: Self hate.

Y/N: Your name.

"Hey Y/N Im outside." Dom says on the phone to me.

We are going to a party today of one of our mates from college. We know quite a few people going so it shouldnt be bad.

"Yeah alright, I will be there in a minute Dom." I end the call and hurry myself getting ready. I hop around my room trying to get my last boot on then running downstairs towards the front door.

"Bye Mum love you!" I shout. As I run to Doms car outside mine.

"Hey sorry I took so long!" I hop into the car and place a kiss on Doms cheek.

"Youre alright Y/N its fine. You look so fucking cool." He says eyeing my outfit.

"Thanks Dommy. I love yours! You went for the black dress I said in the end then?" I smile whilst getting my seatbelt on.

"I did yeah." He unparks his car and starts driving off. "Its alright aint it?" He questions.

"It looks perfect Dom yes. You can rock a dress better than I can."

He giggles at my response. "Thanks love."


We park our car outside the house and prepare ourselves before we go in. We dont hate partys we just find them a bit boring after a while and its always complicated to get out of them. As I said theres people we know here but there's also people we hate from our college, who are dicks. But as long as we stay away from them it should be fine.

Dom knocks on the door and we are greeted by one of our mates, Megan. "Hey guys come on in." We both go in and take in our surroundings. There are loads of people here, too many, everyone is drinking and trying to get as drunk as they can while the ones who arent are trying to hit on people. This already sucks.

"Do you guys wanna come with me and get a drink?" We follow her into the kitchen as she starts pouring us a drink, I dont even know what it is but I'll take anything to make this night as easy as possible.

"Here you guys go." She hands us our drinks.

We both thank her as we exit the kitchen and we each go our seperate ways. Dom goes and finds his mates, he only has a couple but they are all really sweet, and me and Megan head back to all our friends.

The atmosphere is calm and nothing seems off about it and Im finally getting used to the loud music and crowds of people. I think I can get used to this.


Hours have gone past and the party has been great. Me and my mates have been chattin, dancing and we've been drinking way too much so Im definitely leaving Dom in charge of driving.

I havnt seen Dom in ages though, I hope hes ok.

Doms pov:

This party has actually been good. Me and my mates have just been chatting all this time and its going amazing.

The only downfall is these boys keep looking over at our group. I say that but their obviously looking at me only, cause of my outfit. Im used to people staring or leaving snarky comments but they have not stopped all night and its getting tedious now.

Also I do miss Y/N. I know its soppy as fuck to miss your partner when youre literally in the same building as them but I havnt seen her in ages and I worry if shes ok. I'll send her a message just to make sure.

'Hey you ok?'

I hope she responds.

'Hey Dommy, Im good. Are you ok? Come and find me Im with my friends you cant miss us.:)'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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