Razor blade.

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Y/N: Your name.

Trigger warning: Self harm and suicidal thoughts.

Its early in the morning and me and Dom are fast asleep cuddling next to eachother in our bed. I love nights that me and Dom are together, no worries in sight and life seems endless.

I awaken suddenly and move up closer to Doms side of the bed to cuddle more with him but something is off. I open my eyes wider and look over to where Dom should be and hes not there. I sit up to try to find him whilst my heart is pounding. Then I notice Dom sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down. I notice something in his hand but its too dark to figure out what it is. I dont want to startle him so I watch him to find out what hes doing.

Nothing happens for a while just silence but Doms breathing is getting heavier and you can hear him silently cry. I begin to worry.

I wonder whats wrong with him. Maybe somethings happened with his family? Maybe Im the problem? My thoughts are paused by Dom breathing in sharply and running the object in his hand roughly along his opposite arm. Dom struggles to breathe and all of a sudden he drops whats in his hands and begins to loudly cry in pain. The realisation hits me of what hes done. Shit.

"DOM! I cry. Climbing over the covers to get to him.

He doesnt even move to look at me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and place my chin on his shoulder.

"What have you done to yourself darling?" I say shocked.

"Im sorry. I couldnt stop them." He cries.

"Stop who?" I ask planting a kiss on his neck.

"The stupid voices in my fockin head. THEY WONT LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screams.

I hop out of bed and kneel down infront of him. "Look at me dommy."He doesnt look at me. "Come on Dom." My voice breaks. He finally looks at me. "Those voices arent gonna leave you alone if you do what they say. Are they?"

"But they keep shouting at me, threatening me, telling me bad things are gonna happen to me if I dont harm myself. WHY DOES THIS ONLY HAPPEN TO ME?!" He says breaking down in tears.

"Come here." I say hugging him tightly.

He hugs me back and lets all of his emotions loose. I gently stroke his hair trying to surpress his emtions and remind him Im here for him.

"Youre not the only one Dom. Plenty of people let there emotions get the best of them." I let go of him and lift his chin up with my thumb. " You just need someone to look after you. Thats why Im here."

Dom calms down and stops crying. "Ouch." He whispers covering his cut arm.

"Let me see please Dommy."

Hesitantly Dom shows his scars to me. Blood dripping slowly.

"Aww babe. Dont do this to yourself, please."

"I can try better next time, I promise." He says smiling at me.

I smile at him. "Come on lets get ya sorted out."

"Ok." He agrees slowly getting up.

"Ahh shit." He hisses.

"Dont worry it wont hurt as much soon." I take his hand and go to the bathroom. "Sit down." Dom sits on the side of the bath.

"Lets wipe away this blood. Its gonna sting darlin, Im sorry."

"Its alright. I deserve it." Dom exclaims.

"Dom you focking dont alright." I snap."Please stop being so hard on yourself." I look at his watery eyes. "It hurts me inside thinking about all the pain you put yourself through." I cry.

Dom realises the pain Im in. "Im sorry Y/N I didnt mean to upset ya." He trys to apologies but I know hes never gonna stop hurting himself. " Its gonna be alright yknow. Me and the voices. If I hurt myself I hurt myself but I cant leave you for good. Your my world Y/N, the only person who I feel safe around. You realy think I show my emotions and scars to any random person?" He puts his hand on my cheek.

"No." I reply looking down.

He lifts my chin up. "Thats because you care about me so much and youre the only person who actually gives a shit about me. Thats why were gonna stay together for the rest of our fockin lives Y/N. Yeah?"

Tears are slowly falling down my face. I cant speak. The words I wanna say wont come out. I gently nod.

"Good girl." Dom replies. Kissing my forehead.

I wipe my tears away. "Hows ya arm?"

"Guess its alright. Thanks to ya handy skils." He smiles at me.

"Shutup I tried my best." I giggle.

"Come on mate, you look shattered. Lets go to bed yeah. I promise Im gonna stay next to ya this time." Dom says trying to reasure me.

"Alright." I say standing up and watching Dom slowly get up holding his arm. I grab his hand and run into the bedroom jumping into bed. Dom joins me and cuddles up next to me.

We both fall asleep next to eachother never wanting to leave eachothers side.

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