Sending you to sleep.

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Y/N: Your name.

I cuddle up closer to Dom as I shut my eyes again trying to get some sleep. My mind has been full of everything happening in my life lately. Its all making me feel awful about myself.

I open my eyes and sigh loudly, trying to not become annoyed.

"Babe, it's early, why arent you asleep?" Dom asks, yawning afterwards.

"I cant sleep. Why aren't you asleep?"

"You sigh very loudly." He smiles.

"Oi." I playfully say.

He sits up putting his back on the
headboard. I move closer to him and put my head on his chest.

"Whats bothering ya?" He asks, placing a kiss on my head and wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"Just the usual." I sigh. "The constant reminder of being not good enough and not being able to do fuck all about it."

"Whats triggered that then?" He asks.

"Anything, everything. If I leave the house I think Ive done something embarrasing and made a fool out of myself so any memory I have is just painful to watch again for me because I think everything Ive done is so embarrasing."

Ive never admitted that to him.

"Y/N, princess, everything youve done beside me has NEVER been embarrasing." He emphasises. "You have never made a fool out of yourself from all the times Ive been with ya. And we never leave each others side." He says.

"But thats not what the voices tell me."

"The voices dont tell the truth Y/N. Trust me. Please dont be hurtful to yourself because of these winy little voices in your head. Okay?" He says holding my hand.

I hold his hand tightly.

"Thanks Dom." I reply looking up at him as he gently kisses my lips.

"Dont worry about it. Now try and get some sleep darlin."

My eyes gently begin to close as I try and remember Doms words. Do they work? No, they dont. I dont think anything will help me.

I open my eyes again trying to hide myself so Dom doesnt notice. Of course he notices."

"Y/N close your eyes and pay attention to me and not the voices." He holds me closer. "You have not got anything to worry about and be embarrased about, because you have done nothing wrong. Just listen to my voice darlin. I will stay awake for the rest of my life it is means you get a second of sleep. Just close your eyes and pay attention to nothing else."

I close my eyes focusing on not listening to my voices.

"Thats it, dont listen now just focus on my voice and my heartbeat to get you to sleep. Nothing you do is bad and nothing you are going to do is going to be embarrasing okay."

I know that something I will do is going to embarrass me but I know Dom is trying to make me not feel like that.

I finally feel myself getting tired. This hasnt happened in ages. I wrap my arms tighter around his waist as I eventually fall asleep.

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