The accident.

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*Name in this story is Teresa instead of Y/N because it is such a intense story I didnt want you to use your name for it as it can be very upsetting. You all are amazing aswell thank you so much for 22k reads. This chapter gives me 11 minutes vibes too. This was requested by krisbob2.*

Trigger warning:
Car crash.

Its late at night and Im getting ready to drive over to Doms house. We both live seperately, for now, but sometimes we cant bare but spend a night apart. Its nearly midnight, I was happy being by myself for a night but Dommy rung up me and insisted I spend the night.

I grab my car keys and head to my car, the street lights are off because its midnight so thats mean its even scarier in the dark. The distance to Doms house aint too far from n mine but its still not nice to drive to.

As I drive of the roads are quiet and suspiciously empty, I mean it is late at night so that's probably why but sually at this time of night youd see a odd car but it is completely empty.

Im nearly at Doms house so I decide to give him a ring on my phone.

"Dom?" I ask.

'Hey Teresa, you alright?"

"Yeah all good. Just calling to say that Im now at the traffic lights by your house so I'll be there in a min. "

"Alright I will keep the door unlocked for you."

"Okay I will see you in a minute."

I begin driving as the light turns green.

"See ya bye." As I go to end the call I see bright lights in the corner of my eye and the next thing I know a car hits at full speed into the side of my car.

Everything goes black as I am hit with pain.


I dont know how long I have been out for. My mind is blank now. The loud noise of sirens override my ears. As I open my eyes everywhere is blurry as I move my head to the side and see flashing lights.

"Miss can you hear me?"

I jolt my eyes open and look at the women umbuckling my belt.

"Im part of the ambulance service you have had an accident Im just getting you out of the car."

I strain every part of my voice to reply to her.

"Ok." Is all I can say.

She unbuckles my belt as she slowly takes me out of the car and puts me on a stretcher my body is so hurt even the tiniest movement hurts.

"Im just gonna do some tests to check your not in any immediate danger."

I slowly nod and follow along with everything she says to me.


Doms pov:

"TERESA? TERESA?" My heart drops whats happened to her? I race to the front door getting my shoes on and running to find her. I remember the last thing she said she was at the traffic lights.

I dont know if anything has happened to her she could have just ended the call or the noise was the line shutting off.

I run as fast as I can barging past drunkens on my street running to her as fast as possible. The fear of the worse case scenario is now following me like a lost puppy. I wish there was a way to stop it being with my conscious.

I race to the traffic lights and there I see two crashed cars and lights every where. Tears form in my eyes as I run over to see someone getting put into the ambulance.

Police are looking around the car to see how this happened. The other drivers now have legged it it seems, pricks. It was there fault, I assume, Teresa wouldnt be a reckless driver.

I race over to the ambulance as a officer stops me.

"Im sorry sir you cant come past."

"I my girlfriends there I need to see her."

"Alright go on." He says shaking his head looking at the accident.

"TERESA?" I shout running towards the ambulance.


Teresas pov:

'Teresa' I hear someone shout with faint crys in the background.

I know that voice.

"Dom." I say.

He hops onto the ambulance where the lady is still making sure Im secure in the ambulance. The paramedic simply look at him I think my reaction made her worry less about him.

"Are you ok, princess?" He says, kneeling down holding my hand.

"Mhm." I reply trying not to cry.

"Im gonna be with you all this time alright."

Doms pov:

The ambulance worker closes the door and we start to drive. I dont leave her side she is openly trying not to cry and I dont want her to feel like she should hide it. I hold her hand stroking it with my thumb, and she looks at me and smiles brightly and genuinely.

"I love ya."

"I love you too." I reply kissing her hand.

After a while we arrive at the hospital and I dont leave her side. We make our way into the emergency care in the hospital and she gets checked out and sorted.


We have been left alone now. Teresa is okay she is just in a bit of pain... mentally and physically.

I havnt left her side I have wiped her tears when she hasnt been able to. The hardest part is that I know she thinks its her fault when its not... its mine.

Im fighting the urge to cry but I have to say these words.

"Im sorry."

"Why you apologising?"

"It's my fault your in this state, I ask you to come round when you didnt want to."I tear up. "I didnt mean for this to happen to ya, I feel so guilty for what happened." I start to cry. "Im so fuckin sorry."

"Ay dont cry. Okay. Its not your fault. I wanted to come over."

"You didnt though. I dont mean to be needy all the fuckin time I just love you so much and I want to spend every minute with you cause I adore you Teresa youre my world and you always will be. Im sorry and I forver will be sorry for what Ive just done to you just please forgive me." I sob.

"I forgave you the second I heard youre voice." She smiles.

"I love you."

"I love you too. This is not your fault. 
You should probably get some rest you must be tired."

"Can you get up on the bed with me." She smiles.

"Will they have a go at us?" I ask giggling to myself.

"Fuck it." She says motioning her head to the other side of the bed.

"Fuck it." I say taking my creepers of and hopping into bed with her and letting her fall into my arms.

"I'll always love you." I say before kissing her head looking at her.

"I'll always love you." She says.

I gently carress her hair as we both fall asleep.

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