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Y/N: Your name.

Im in the kitchen trying on some new shoes I bought today when I went out shopping.

I bought some new pairs of trainers and some heels. I wasnt planning on buying heels but I wanted to look extra nice for when Dom takes me out sometimes. And I coukd do with a change.

I decide to get the most painful bit out of the way and try on the higheels. I carefully place them on and hold onto the table closest to me to try and to stand up without falling arse over tit. Everything seems to be going ok, so far, I surpisingly dont seem too unbalanced when walking around the kitchen.

"Perfect." I whisper to myself. Feeling more confident than ever, I walk back to the shoe box stupidly not paying attention to the other boxes on the floor.

My I walk straight into the boxes and become unstable. I could have probably saved myself if I werent wearing these stupid shoes. My ankle bends as I quickly fall to the ground, it doesnt help the kitchen is solid tile. "Ahh fuck!" I whine. I try to get up again leaning my hand on the table but my ankle aches in pain when I do so. I fall back on to my hands and knees.

"Dom!" I shout in pain.

I hear him rush downstairs with his hair soaking wet from just having a shower.

"Aww darlin what happened?" He asks neeling down next to me.

"I was trying on these stupid heels." I say taking them of my foot."And I tripped over and hurt my fuckin ankle ankle. I sigh looking down at my now slightly swolen ankle.

"Dont worry Y/N I can take care of ya." He picks me up bridal style and kisses my forehead then taking me in the living room, he gently places me on the sofa and grabs a soft stool to put my ankle on. "Ow." I whine.

"Lemme grab you some stuff to make you better babe." Dom smiles and walks into the kitchen.

My ankle is hurting so much, I cant believe I would try to walk in heels. If Dom wasnt at home I would have been lying on the floor in agonising pain without anything to do.

He comes back in with an ice pack and gently places it on my ankle. "Does that feel better?" He asks worried. "A little." I reply."Dont worry your gonna be fine darlin." He looks up at me and smiles for reasurance. "Do ya need anything? Blanket? Alcohol?" I giggle at his stupidity. "Nah, Im good cheers. Can you just come and cuddle beside me?" I pout reaching my arms out.

"Course I can mate." He lays on the sofa next to me and hugs onto me tightly whilst stroking my back trying to make me feel calmer.

I bury my head into Doms sweatshirt and whimper trying to make him realise how much I need him to stay here.

"I guess you really want me to stay here princess." He smiles stroking a bit of hair out of my face so he can see me more.

I smile to myself and begin to shut my eyes getting comfy.

"Night darlin." Dom whispers kissing my forehead and hugging me tighter as I fall asleep in his arms.

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