Can't sleep.

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*Thankyou so much for 2k read. It doesnt seem long ago I reached 1k. Glad you lot are enjoying the stories. Love you all!♡x*

Requested by:Caitlyn064.

Y/N: Your name.

As soon as me and Dom are cosy in bed we fall fast asleep beside eachother. Usually he would hold me in his arms or be by my side as I sleep because it makes me feel relaxed. But most of the time Im the one who falls asleep first, I never see Dom fall asleep half the time. I assume he has drifted of perfectly.

Soon Dom is touring around europe so whilst we're at home we need as many hours of sleep as we can before our sleeping plan goes to shit. Because going around different hotels or sleeping in the tour bus really isnt fun. That is if we even bother sleeping after going out drinking every night.

As I was asleep I kept getting waken up by little movements on the bed. I open my eyes slightly to see if everything is ok. I immediately assume it is so I shut my eyes again sinking into my mattress. As soon as I gently wrap myself tighter into the covers they get taken of me. Before I turn around to say something to Dom I hear him already. He fidgets around in bed a bit and sits up to plump his cushion then hitting his head on it and letting out a huge sigh. Presumingly of fluster.

I turn over to see if he is alright. He is the lying down looking up towards the ceiling.

"You ok baby?" I whisper.

"Cant sleep." He replies.

"Im sorry darlin. Why not?" I ask.

"Havnt been sleeping for the past few days." He bluntly replies. "Too much shit happening."

" Its alright Dommy. Have ya tried everything to help ya drift of?" I ask.

"Yeah fockin everything." He turns over to face me. "Covers, no covers, counting sheep, warm drink. Everything. I cant fockin win." He sighs.

"Want me to hold you?" I say sitting up leaning my head on the bed board.

"Mhm." He nods moving up towards me placing his head on my chest and gently grabbing onto my waist.

"Wanna talk for a bit? It could help you fall asleep?" I say. Brushing a piece of hair from his face.

"Ok." He replies.

"Whats been on your mind then?" I ask.

"Just touring and travelling to be honest. Its all just so much, not knowing where abouts ya gonna be staying sometimes or how its gonna go is really difficult ,yknow." He admits.

"It is a downside darlin I know but you got everyone around ya and in the end of it all you get to see all of your fans dont ya." I reasure.

"Yeah that is a good thing." He smiles as he hugs me tighter.

"Sleepy yet?" I ask.

"Yeah, bit more." He replies.

"Good boy." I whisper. Stroking his hair. "Try and get some sleep yeah? If you cant sleep in a bit let me know ok?"

"Ok." He responds. "Love ya Y/N."

"Love you too. Sleep tight."

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