Run away.

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* This story is kinda to do with Dom young. I am planning on doing more stories based on Yungblud on tour and things which are happening to him at the moment.*

Y/N: Your name.

"DONT TOUCH ME." I shout to my dad.

"THEN FUCKIN COME ERE!" He grabs my arm tightly refusing to let go.

I get out of his grip as much as I cam and run up to my room slamming the door and quickly locking it.

"I cant fuckin take it." I whisper feeling my eyes begin to water.

This isnt the first time this has happened. My dad has always hurt me and been harsh to me. The only time he is nice enough to me is when my mum is around. Which is hardly ever, shes always on night shifts, and when she is here shes always with my dad instead of me. I dont trust my dad at all, even when my mum is around and he doesnt hurt me I never want to be near him.

Usually theres only one thing I do when shit happens with my Dad, I go to my boyfriend Dominic. Most of the time I go round his for something temporary, such as a sleepover just to clear my head and until my dad should have called down. But this time it needed to be perminent. Im fed up of my dad treating me as if Jm shit.

I grab my school backpack and empty out all the contents. Then I  start packing it with, everything I need for a night or so until Ive worked out what Im gonna have to do. I pack some clothes a few hygiene products and my favouirte teddy Dom gave me.

I left my room without turning back and run out of the house. Not hearing my dad come after me hurt me. But I knew I was doing the right thing.

I grab my phone out and call my boyfriend.

"Come on." I whisper holding the phone to my ear shaking in the cold.

He picks up the call.

"Hiya."Dom says.

"Hey Dommy. Umm... can I come over please?" Sadness taking over my voice.

"Course you can love. Im now unlocking the front door for ya, just come in. Im in my room."

"Ok, see you later. I love you." I say.

"Love you too darlin."

I end the call letting out a deep breath trying not to let my emotions overtake me.

Dom thankfully doesnt live too far away from me. A ten minute walk maximim. The worst part is is that its pitch black outside with the street lights about to go off which makes me even more terrified than I was before I left the house.

As I was walking my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took my phone out and read the message, its from my dad.

'Never come back to my house again.'

I swipe away the message not bothering to respond. What was the use? He wouldnt listen to me begging anyway.

I try to ignore the voices in my head telling me everything that sucks in life at the moment. Or the fact that  Dom might not help me or that he wont let me stay. I try to think of the postives, that I am finally away from my Dad and he shouldnt be able to hurt me ever again mentally and physically.

I manage to get to Doms house thankfully. I dont hesitate to open the door. I debate wether or not I should shout to Dom making sure he knows its me but it is really late to wake his parents up aswell.

I take my shoes of and slowly walk upstairs into Doms room.

I am greeted by a smiley Dom sitting on his bed with his arms out craving a hug. I put my bag down and leap onto Doms arms.

"Why did ya wanna come round Y/N?" He whispers kissing my head and holding me tighter.

"My dad." I sigh.

"Whats that bellend done now?" He asks.

Dom knows I think bad about my dad and it makes me laugh how he insults him even when I dont.

"My dad has officially kicked me out. I need to find somewhere to go." I hold back my tears.

"Aww Y/N. You dont need to find anywhere to go sweetheart. You can stay with me." He smiles.

"You know I cant do that Dommy." I pout.

"Why not?" He questions.

"I cant be here, you would love it and so would I but I cant put that much pressure on your parents. I just cant." I admit.

"Baby, they love you. They love it when you stay. Besides my dads never here, hes always at work and my mum adores you being here." He announces.

"I also have too much stuff to bring over... well I used to." I sigh into Doms chest.

"What do you mean you used to Y/N?" He asks.

"All my stuff is at my house. I only brung a backpack full of my stuff over there. My dad messaged me saying I can't go back aswell so its impossible to get it all back."

"Does your mum know whats happened?" He asks stroking a piece of hair out of my face behind my ear.

"No theres no point. My dad is gonna tell a lie about tonight and of course my mum is gonna believe him just so she doesnt get left alone. Its not fair baby." I whimper.

"Dont worry, Imma get your stuff back for ya. Trust me." He places all over my face  giving me butterflies. "Have you eaten today princess?" He asks. "Mhm. I managed to have some snacks from the cupboards trying my best to not encounter my dad too much." I admit.

"Good girl." He replies. "Come on how about we get some sleep, you must be tired after everything that happened tonight." He was right.

"Ok." I reply.

Me and Dom both get into bed and wrap up next to eachother.

"Wait I forgot something." I announce getting out of his bed and grabbing my teddy out of my bag.

"Aww you kept him." Dom giggles.

"Mhm I sleep with him every night." I admit, jumping into bed cuddling next to Dom with my teddy in hand.

"Get some rest yeah?" He wraps his arm around me holding me close.

I gently nod my head and slowly begin to shut my eyes knowing that Dom would always watch over me.

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