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* Requested by caitlyn064.*

Trigger warning: Anxiety attack.

Y/N: Your name.

Its early in the morning and I have headed down stairs to make myself a tea. Dominic is in bed having a lie in bless his heart ,he said that he would be down in a bit so we can have a cup of tea with eachother.

Im usually not a morning person but Dom is the polar opposite thanks to his high energy and lack of sleep he gets. With him always being on tour he rarely gets any sleep and believe me sleeping in the tour bus is not all what it sounds. Especially for Dom with me next to him always wanting cuddles and shit.


Its been an hour or so and I know it sounds stupid but Im starting to get concerned. By now he would have greeted me downstairs with open arms or his usual quote 'mornin love.' But there is none of that this morning.

I decide to head upstairs see if he is ok. Even if he is sleeping I wouldnt mind, I just wanna know he is ok.

I gently open the door. "Dommy?" I quietly say.

"Mhm." He groans.

"You ok baby? You havnt come downstairs yet?" I ask

"Im fine Y/N dont worry." He sighs sinking further into his covers.

I know somethings up with him. Ive seen him do this before when hes having a bad day with his mental health. Usually I cant help him fully get rid of the thoughts in his head however me being there sometimes does the trick.

I walk over to my side of the bed and crawl into bed getting in the covers. "Come here baby." I say holding my arms open to cuddle Dom. No hesitation given he cuddles up close to me placing his head on my chest.

"Tell me whats up baby?" I question.

"Just mental health aint too great." He admits.

Dom has had mental health issues since he was about a teenager. He mainly suffers from depression and anxiety, his adhd gets in the way of some poeple but he dont mind it. Since Dom has become Yungblud and found people around him which are similar to him ,his mental health has not been too bad as much as when he didnt have his community of fans. Which is why I am worried about whats triggered it all.

"Its alright Dom. Youre just having a bad morning it'll all be ok soon." I gently kiss the top of his head. "Whats triggered it? Be honest with me please."

"People online keep talking shit about me and beings dicks all over how I act on stage and how I dress. For no fockin reason." He states.

"Everyone always talks shit Dommy, its just life. But the best thing to do is to just pay no attention to it. And think about all the poeple in the world who do love ya and care about you. Think about how many people youve saved by being you and doing what you do darlin." I admit.

"I guess youre right. But what happens if they always talk shit and get in my way? Or everyone starts hating me. Or you start hating me." He asks worry in his voice.

"No ones close to ya is gonna hate ya. Especially not me. Imma be with you always, youre gonna be fed up with me soon." I giggle.

"Promise?" He asks looking up into my eyes.

"I promise." I say gently kissing his lips.

He gives me a huge smile then placing his head back on my chest and cuddling up closer to me.

"Why dont we have a cup of tea downstairs together yeah? Might help your head out?"

"Anything to help." He sighs.

"Come on then baby." We both sit up and slowly get out of bed.

"Imma just quickly head to the toilet, alright. Be down in a second." He smiles heading to the bathroom.

"Ok Imma put the kettle on." I reply heading downstair.

I head into the kitchen getting mine and Doms favouirte mugs out and sorting everything out. That is until I hear a huge bang coming from upstairs.

"Dom?" I shout concerned.

No reply.

"You alright mate?"

Again no reply.

"Fuck." I whisper sprinting out of the kitchen up the stairs going towards the bathroom door. I quickly open the door to see Dom with his back lent on the bath and his head in his knees struggling to breathe whilst crying his heart out.

"DOM!" I shout neeling down infront of him. He shakes his head continuing to breathe heavily crying. "Look at me Dommy." He keeps his head down. "Dommy please look at me." My voice break.

He reluctantly looks up at me with with teary stained cheeks and red eyes.

"Aww Dommy. You havin an anxiety attack?" I ask.

He nods his head gently taking a deep breath in. "Sorry." He says voice breaking.

"Nothing to be sorry for mate its not your fault is it?" I wipe a tear from his cheek. He takes a deep shaky breath in.

"Just breathe for me Dommy please." I beg.

"Im trying Y/N, I really am."He cries." Its just... I hate the voices in my head telling me that everyones gonna leave me or that they hate me. Or That your gonna leave me. I wish I would listen to my gut instead of the voices but I fockin cant man." He admits.

"I know baby, but you need to remember that Im never fockin leaving ya ever. And people around you are never gonna forget about ya. Those ignorant pricks who talk shit about ya are just a few people in this world who dont know the real you, alright." I say smiling at him. "All you need to do is ignore everything theyre saying. Can you do that for me?" I ask lifting his chin up for him to look at me.

"Yeah course I can." He faintly smiles.

"Good boy." I say placing my hand on his cheek.

"Can we do something to distract the voices, baby?" He pouts.

"Course we can darlin." I agree.

"I guess we should start of with that cuppa tea then, yeah?" He smiles.

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