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* I am planning on doing a few stories that include names not Y/N. I am going to do more Y/N stories however I might include some names which could link to Yungblud songs such as teresa but some might be random names.*

Madisons pov:

Today is such a bad day already, my parents have left me for the day to go to work and Im all alone. With nothing to do. I really want to invite my best mate Dominic over but hes busy with his friends.

I decide to make this a personal day for me to relax, I have been really stressed lately so might aswell take a day of.

I chuck on my lazy clothes and head into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I then sit down on the sofa and watch some netflix. This is my idea of relaxing not a thought in sight and no one bothering me and just me getting to do whatever I fancy.


Time goes so slowly on your own. Its only been an hour and it feels as if Ive been here all by myself forever. I just want someone next to me even if they dont say anything it would just be nice to have company.

A bright idea pops in my head.


I decide if I cant be with anyone today maybe I would prefer the company of my pet cat.


Usually I would have already heard his bell on his collar coming towards me but there is no sound.

I decide to get up and find him. I check everywhere in all the nooks and crannys. I check my backgarden, nothing. "Ooo maybe his cage." I say aloud running back into the kitchen. I look in his cage but there is only his toy and his small blanket I got him. But I knew the blanket looked weird. I slowly lift up the blanket and I see merlin there no movement in sight.

"Merlin?" I whisper giving him a little shake. "Come on Merlin stop scaring me." I gently shake his lifeless body. I take the blanket fully of him and place my hands over my mouth. This cant be I was with him yesterday and he was fine we were playing and everything.

I rush to my phone and ring Dom.

"Pick up please" I say getting fed up of waiting.

He finaly picks up...

"Hiya Madi. You alright?"

"Not really Dom. Are you with your mates now?" I reply.

"Uhh no not anymore I left them after a while. Now heading home. Whats up?"

"Can you come round please I really need someone to talk to?" I beg.

"Sure man I can be round in ten minutes. That alright?

"Just hurry please." I end the call. Tears flooding my eyes. I run back to my sofa and cry my heart out. I try to pull myself together and tell myself it is all going to be ok but I know this has affected me big time.


The doorbell rings. I wipe away my tears with my sleeve and race to the door. I open the door to find a precious Dominic standing there with his hands in his pocket looking at his creepers.

"Hey." I say sadly.

Dom notices that I really am upset.

"Whats up man?" He asks concerned.

I promised myself that I wouldnt show my emotions to Dom but I cant. I drag him by his hand into my house slamming the door and I hug him tightly burying myself into his jacket. At first Dom seemed confused but afterwards he hugged me back and didnt let me go.

"Whats all this for Madi?" He asks concerned.

"Merlins gone." I say hugging him tighter so much so he probably couldnt breathe.

"What? That cant be, you sent me a video of you playing with him yesterday and he seemed fine." Dom lets go of me gently holding my arms and looking into my eyes. But I cant look into his.

"I found him this morning in his cage..." I try to finish my sentence but I cant hold in my tears. Dominic pulls me in to another hug and lets me cry into his arms.

"Its alright Madison take ya time. I can be here for however long you need me to be." Dom reasures.

Whenever I try to say what happened my voice breaks and I cant spit out the words making me tear up even more. "And... he wasnt moving. I tried everything to make him wake up." I sob.

"Im sorry Madi." Dom says hugging me close. "How about we go in the living room yeah? Find something to cheer you up?"


Dom lets go of me and takes me into the living room both of us sitting down on the sofa. I am trying to wipe away my tears and control my breathing when dom puts his arm around me and pulls me towards his chest and I place my hand on his jacket trying to calm myself down.

Me and Dom have always had a close relationship we have never dated eachother and we think its easier to be friends, otherwise breaking up would destroy a huge relationship that has lasted forever.

"Ya know, its gonna hurt for a bit now Madi but I promise you after a while everything is going to be fine I promise." He says stroking my back.

"Really?" I ask.

"Course, think about all the memories you and Merlin have had you are never gonna forget about them. Ever. Thats the best part about memories they stay with you forever and you can always have them with you."

"Thanks Dom. I really needed someome right now." I reply.

"Listen Madi, you dont need to thank me Im just doing what friends do. I would rather hang about with you then my other friends anyway." Dom admits.

I smile.

"Im always gonna be here for you mate. Whether youre sad or just want company I'm always here for ya." Dom holds me tighter.

"Thanks Dom. Its just... I miss him so much." I admit.

"I know ya do. But I bet hes perfectly safe up there without a worry in sight. I reckon he misses you too but what can you do about it ay?"

"Yeah I suppose. This world can be so cruel sometimes. I know it might not seem a big deal to you but he meant everything to me." I say messing around with doms jacket.

"Course its a huge deal to me aswell. I might not miss him as much as you do but it hurts me too." He admits." Theres plenty of friends and family members who can help you through this tough time."

"I only want to talk to you about it Dom." I admit.

"What do ya mean?" Dom says confused.

"Youre the only person who makes me happy so I only want you to help me through this tough time. No one else helps me as much as you do."

"Aww cheers mate. Didnt realise I was so special." Dom giggles. I can tell he really appreciates what I said.

"Can we stay here please Dom?" I ask hoping he says yes.

"Course we can Madi." He says whilst holding me closer.

"Thanks Dom."

Dom smiles and continues comforting me for the rest of the day even at my worst moments hes there for me.

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