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Thankyou for recomending this, MadisonHolnessO. I had so much fun writing it. ( Part two coming very soon.)

Y/N: Your name.
'___': Y/N thoughts.

It is the middle of the afternoon and I am sitting alone in my room listening to my favourite album 21st century liability by Yungblud. Whenever I have the time I listen to him. I have to listen to him. His voice to me is so aggresive but so calming at the same time.

Today is definitely one of those days where I want to do nothing but be submerge myself in music. Reason being is my anxiety. I have suffered from anxiety for a long while and it mainly occurs when my Mum leaves the house and I am all alone because I am afraid of anything happening to her. She is the only close family member I have after my dad left me.

My mum is aware that Yungblud is the only thing I need when I am anxious or afraid, which is most of the time.

Which is why she cant leave me.

The day had gone by quicker than I thought. At this moment I was scrolling through my facebook looking at Yungbluds account then looking around his friends pages coming across his managers facebook account. I then seem to notice his recent photo is liked by my mum. I was only confused at this matter of time. I search every detail in this post and descover my mum has commented AND DOMS MANAGER HAS RESPONDED!

I quickly drop my phone and run downstairs to the kitchen.

"Mum. Mum!" I Exclaim.

"Hiya Y/N. You alright my love? She replies.

"Nevermind all that, Yungbluds manager replied to your comment on his facebook!" I say in shock.

"I know sweetheart we used to be friends back in the day."

My mind explodes!

"WHAT?! ARE YA JOKING?" I say in excitement.

"No, we used to go to the same college. I think I have his number somewhere in my clutter drawer from college. All those years ago." She says whilst giggling to herself and heading to the sink to start the washing up.

"Omg Mum this is great news!" My face lights up.

I begin to run out of the kitchen when my mum shouts. "Wait! Come back here please."

I slowly walk back.

"Yeah Mum?"

"Im sorry I have to say this Y/N but my work is making me do the night shift tomorrow. All night. So Im afraid you are going to have to be on your own for the night." She says sadly.

"What?" My heart drops. And my breathing increases.

"Y/N its ok!"

I run of and slam my bedroom door crouching down and putting my head in my hands whilst sobbing. My thoughts in my head are eating me alive and my breathing gets far too out of control.

"Y/N! My mum says banging on the door. "Y/N open the door you dont have to worry. Im only gone for a night. Please dont get yourself worked up over nothing."

I dont reply. I cant. My head feels as if it could explode.


After a while my breathing slows down and I am more relaxed than I was an hour ago. My mum left ages ago reminding me that if things get to bad take my medication.

I agree with her words and go to my bedside drawer and take my medication to help calm my nerves. I decide saying so it is pretty late I should have a nap until the evening to calm my head.

I wake up near midnight. "Shit" I whisper to myself. I wasnt going to sleep that long. All of a sudden my stomach rumbles. "Ugh Im so hungry." I say quitely. I decided best thing to do was grab a snack quickly. My mum cant be too mad at me due to the circumstances.

Slowly I get out of bed and make my way downstairs trying to be as silent as possible. I make my way into the kitchen and decide to make myself a peanut butter sandwich, the best snack of course. I finish my sandwich grab myself a drink and begin to make my way up the stairs when I hear the tv on in the living room. I make my way into the living room and notice my mum lying on the sofa asleep. "Bless." I say to myself. I reach over and grab her a blanket and place it over her. Then I run upstairs and get comfy in my bed.

Whilst I try to get some sleep my anxiety keeps coming back and telling me all the worse things that could happen.

'Imagine if your mum never returned.'
'The night shifts a long time away from home.'
'There are plenty of dangerous people out there.'

I bury myself into my bed covers and in the end fall asleep dreading tomorrow.

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