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Y/N: Your name.

It is freezing cold outside. I know its winter but this is taking the piss. It doesnt help outside hss turned into winter wonderland due to the snowfall recently. Ive always been fascinated by the look of snow and how angelic is looks however my boyfriend, Dom, loves the feeling of snow and all the activities you can do in it because hes a child at heart.

Me and Dom are lying together on the sofa watching tv cuddled together with a blanket for warmth. But I think Dom has other plans.

"Look the snows getting really heavy." Dom says pointing at the window.

"Mhm." I say getting closer to him for warmth.


"Yeah babe?" I know exactly what hes gonna ask and I cant help but smirk at him.

"Can we go outside now? We can make snow angels! And have a snowball fight!" He says sitting up eagerly looking at me.

"Do we have to?" I say whining and flicking through the channels.

"Yes! We never get snow days... please?" He begs giving me puppy eyes.

"Come on then." I say gradually sitting up.

"FOCK YEAH!" Dom shouts running upstairs to get some of his warm clothes for us.

I love seeing Dom this happy. It makes me get butterflies thinking about how excited he is. I know it may seem as if Im ruining Doms fun but Im not, seeing happiness in his face is my favouirte thing in life, its just there are certain things I do for his sake and not mine.

He runs downstairs with bundles of clothes in his hands going past me smiling bright and heading towards the kitchen.

I follow him and see him sorting out all the clothes. "Here you go babe." He says handing me one of his hoodies. "Aww thanks Dommy." I say putting it on, feeling so warm inside and out. "I also got you this to wear." He smiles and hands me one of his favourite beanie hats. "Are you sure darlin? This is one of your favourites?" I ask. "Yeah course I am Y/N." He says putting both his hands on my cheeks. "Dont want you getting cold do we?" He says gently kissing my lips for a second. I bite my bottom lip trying not to smile. Hes too cute.

We continue putting on some warm clothes until were both changed.

"Ready?" Dom says jumping up and down with his welly boots on.

"Course I am." I say smiling at him.

He opens the door and runs outside slowly spinning around admiring all the snow around him. Its as if hes never seen snow before. I step outside and close the door admiring how cute Dom was and walking towards him. 

"ISNT THIS GREAT Y/N?" He finally stops spinning and walks towards me.

"Yeah its great." I say looking around. "Its fockin freezing though."

Dom laughs at me. "Theres only one way too fix that." He scrapes snow quickly of the garden table and smashes it on to of my head slowly walking away giggling to himself.

My mouth is wide open in shock. "Youre gonna pay for that." I quickly grab snow from the ground and make a messy snowball chucking it directly onto Dom. Placing my hands over my mouth realising what I just did. "Come on then." Dom says competivaly running across the backgarden calming his territory. I laugh at his stupidity and panic getting snowballs together whilst already getting attacked by clumps of snow.

"You can do better than that Y/N!" Dom laughs lobbing snowballs at me.

He then races towards me with a massive pile of snow in his hands. I scream and try to run away but hes already reached me placing all of it on my head. I turn around looking at him dead in the eye trying not to smile.

Dom thinks that hes hilarious and keeps laughing at me while Im trying to warm up. I want payback. I run towards him and push him into the snow on the floor whilst smiling at him finding it hilarious. I cant help but fall over next to him causing him to laugh at me even more.

We are both lying down on the snow together giggling to eachother. When Dom turns towards and lightly smiles whilst. I face him and stare into his bright green eyes and admire his beauty. "Cold?" He asks. "Mhm." I say nodding and shivering. He grabs my hand tightly and strokes it with his thumb. I smile and look up at the sky trying not to show my blushing red cheeks. He looks up at the sky aswell.

Me and Dom look up at the sky for a few minutes in silence until Dom breaks it.

" Have you enjoyed the snow then?" His eyes focused on the grey clouds.

"Course I have darlin. Its better when your here any way." I admit.

He giggles."Cheers love... wanna head inside? Youre probably freezing." I slowly nod."Yeah alright."

He sits up and gives me his hand to help raise me. I grab his hand and we both eventually get up trying not to slip over. We both head inside taking of our boots and hats. I stand there shaking whilst Dom is getting his last boot of. He smiles at me reassuringly "Dont worry babe I have some spare clothes for you to wear." "Ok." I reply.

We both make our way into Doms room and he immediately goes into his wardrobe pulling clothes of hangers and handing them to me. "You get yourself changed yeah." He kisses my forehead lightly.  "Alright." I smile. I place all of his clothes on the bed and begin to take of my wet clothes.

Dom doesnt look because hes always known I hate my body and that I dont love showing of a lot of my skin some days.

I finish getting changed and Dom is grabbing some clothes for him to wear. "Imma choose a film to watch babe." I say walking towards his bedroom door. "Alright." He says poking his head out of the wardrobe. I give him a little smile and head downstairs making myself comfy. I choose one of our favouirte films to watch and wait for him.

He runs downstairs and gives me a bright smile when he sees how comfy I am. He sits beside me and holds me tight whilst I play the film.

We sit there for ages watching all of our favouirte films and watching the snow fall outside staying warm next to eachother.

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