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Requested by caitlyn064.

Y/N: Your name.

"You nearly ready Y/N?"

"YEAH!" I shout flustered."For fuck sake." I whisper rummaging around my makeup bag.

Because its so close to Christmas me and Dom have been invited to a christmas party from one of his mates. I love parties, especially the ones hosted by Doms mates, theyre full with everyone I love and its always such a laugh. But the worst part of it all is getting ready for it.

I always spend the most time doing my makeup and trying to cover my face as much as I can. I suffer from acne and its been my biggest insecurity for a long while. I try not to let it get to me but I cant help but feel sad because of it time to time. Most of the time I avoid covering it up but its always special events and parties which make me wanna cover it up especially because of how ashamed I feel of my face around so many people.

I have been trying to do my makeup now for about an hour, and Im getting so annoyed with how shit I keep looking.

My face keeps looking blotchy and the acne is visible even after the pound of makeup I put on it. Im never gonna win with this.

"Darlin you nearly ready?" I hear Dom say peaking his head in the door.

"No! Im fuckim not!" I snap.

"Why not? Whats up?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Im trying to cover up this stupid acne. But it wont fockin look nice." I admit.

"Ya dont need to cover your acne up Y/N Ive said before, ya look fine." Dom states.

"I dont fuckin feel it." I say applying more concealer.

"Y/N." Dom says getting up from the bed standing behind me placing his arms around me.

"What?" I ask.

"You dont fuckin need to wear all that makeup, alright?" He pouts.

I turn my head to face him, letting my watery eyes clearly show.

"I just cant help but feel as if I need to impress everyone Dommy. Think about it, were going to a party and were gonna arrive there with me looking awful and everyones gonna think that your fockin mad for being with me." I admit.

"Why would anyone think that?" He asks.

"Because they would Ok!" I snap. "Im fed up of hearing the usual thing people say. "Oh why doesnt she wash her face more? Why doesnt she take better care of her skin? Why is her skin so disgusting?"

"Come ere darlin." He says grabbing my hand gently and sitting us on the edge of the bed.

"No one and I mean no one cares about your acne, alright, including me. You look gorgeous darlin always bad acne day or not. All of your friends at the party think your amazing, ok? And believe me your acne isnt gonna make everyone think differently about ya, please stop putting yourself down."He says.

"You sure baby?" I ask unsure.

"Yes Im sure Y/N." He smiles.

"Come on, how about you take of your concealer yeah. Your gonna look gorgeous not covering it all up." He says.

"Ok." I reply.


Ive re done my makeup not hiding away my acne. I dont feel conifident really but I have a feeling Dom was right about everything to do with my acne, and how it really doesnt look too bad.

I take a look at myself in the mirror for one last time and I take a deep breath as I leave my bedroom.

Dom is waiting for me by the front door as he said he would. Bless him. I do feel bad for him as he has to put up with me complaining about my face and so forth, but hes always been here for me and thats why Im so grateful for him.

I head downstairs trying to stay positive and confident. "Im ready now." I smile.

"You look amazing Y/N" Dom says.

"You dont look to bad yourself." I smile.

"Cheers love." He giggles to himself. "Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah Im ready." I smile feeling confident.

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