Sleepless nights.

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Y/N: Your name.

TW: Mentions of mental health and self hate.

I stare up at my ceiling hoping for my eyes to become heavy. My sleep schedule has been destroyed since my mental health has been worse. The voices in my head practically keep me awake at night screaming at me telling me Im worthless.

Usually I would have Dom next to me, but he is at his mates Adams house tonight so Im left all alone for the night.

I check my phone to see if hes sent me any messages. He hasnt. I check social media to pass the time away and see Adam has posted a pic of them two not long ago, seeing him enjoy himself in the photo warms my heart.

I want him to stay and be happy with his mate but I am really struggling and need him next to me. I just want him to wrap his arms around me and tell me its all gonna be ok.

I have to ring him.

"Hi baby." I say.

"Hiya sweetheart. You alright?" He asks concerned.

"Mhm, yeah Im fine... I guess."

"Why are you awake?" He asks.

"I just cant sleep. My mind is keeping me awake Dommy." I reply.

"Its alright darlin. Do ya want me to come home? Adams passed out the on sofa anyway." He giggles.

"Its up to you baby." I say sympethetically.

"I know you want me there Y/N." he giggles.

"Yeah I suppose." I smile.

"Im now coming home to ya princess, be there soon love you."

"Love you too."

I place the phone down and put my head on the bedboard and sigh waiting for Dom.


The door opens.

"Y/N?" Dom shouts.

"Up here baby." I reply.

He runs up the stairs and comes into our bedroom with a pout on his face.

"Whats up baby." He asks getting into bed and wrapping his arms around me.

I whimper into his chest.

"Its ok darlin, youre alright. What are the voices telling you?" He asks.

"Theyre just telling me Im useless and that Im just an embarassment in life and to the people around me." I cry.

"You shouldnt listen to them Y/N."

"I know b-but they wont leave me alone." I sob.

"I know that sweetheart dont worry. But you need to ignore them cause theyre full of shit. Youre the most amazing person in the world. And thats never gonna change. It hurts me so fockin much to see you beating yourself up."

A tear rolls of my face on to his tshirt.

"R-really?" I stutter, craving his reasurance.

"Of course." He lightly kisses the top of my head and holds me closer.

"Thankyou Dommy."

"No worries." He replies. "Come on how about we get you warm in bed yeah?"

"Ok." I reply slowly sitting up and wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

He gets comfy in bed and reaches his arms out for me to lie with him. I lie infront of him as he gently wraps his arms around me holding me tight. I place my hand on top of one of his hands which is holding me close.

"If you need anything let me know ok sweetheart." He gently kisses my neck.

"Ok." I reply stroking my thumb against the top of his hand and gently closing my eyes.

"I wont let the voices get to you ever again Y/N."

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