Midnight walks.

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Y/N: Your name.

Its past midnight where I am now. Everyone except me is fast asleep in their beds. Ive tried to get to sleep for ages now but its no use.

Im sharing a hotel room with Dom, Adam and Tom. We were planning on getting seperate rooms a long with everyone else on the tour but Adam said it would be 'cute' to have a mini sleepover. We all thought we would be awake for hours chatting and drinking but they were all passed out by ten oclock.

I let out a sigh as I sit up leaning on my bedboard thinking of something to do to pass the time away.

That is until I feel Dom place his hand on my leg. I look over at him as he gives me a sleepy grin whilst trying to fully open his eyes. "You ok baby?" He asks.

"Yeah, cant sleep." I reply.

"I dont blame ya with Tom fockin snoring over there." We both giggle. "How about we go on a walk? It could help you feel tired."

"Dom its past midnight" I say showing him the time on my phone.

From the bright light he gently rubs his eyes.  "Yeah I know... but it would be nice." He looks up at me. "You up for it?"

"Yeah go on then."

"Alright come on lets go." He says as he gets up from bed slowly.

Im already wearing jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt and my shoes are already beside my bed. Dom chucks on a sweatshirt, jogging bottoms and creepers.

We slowly walk out of the hotel room making sure we dont wake up the others. As soon as we're away from the hotel rooms we rush down the stairs straight out of the door giggling to ourselves.

The cold breeze was a shock when we left the hotel but refreshing.

Me and Dom decided to walk down to the nearest waterfront hoping the river can calm me down and make tired.

"We can always grab a warm drink if you want. Theres a cafe down here I think open twenty four hours." Dom asks.

"Yeah sure ok." I reply as he holds my hand and gives me a big smile.

We head to the cafe and Dom buys me a hot chocolate and himself a tea.

As were walking around admiring the pretty mooight shine against the river we find a bench which we sit down at so we can relax and finish our drink.

"You wanna go back soon Y/N?" Dom asks.

"Why Dommy?" I reply.

"Because Im fockin knackered." Dom smiles. " And you look pretty tired too princess."

"Yeah Im a bit tired now were away from the hotel." I admit. " Hopefully when we get back to the hotel I can sleep easy." I smile."

"And anway I might have a way to make you well fockin tired." Dom grins.

"What is it?" I ask confused.

"You'll see later." Dom says giggling to himself.

I decide to not ask questions. He probably wont tell me anyway. It couldnt be what Im thinking, definitely not beside Tom and Adam.

I clear that thought from my head and take the final sip of my drink.

"Finished Y/N?" He asks.

"Yeah all done."

Dom takes mine and his drink and puts it in the bin beside us. He puts his hand out infront of me to grab on to. I take his hand and stand up.

"Ready?" Dom asks.

"Mhm yeah." I lightly smile, tiredness finally getting to me.

Dom puts his arm around me and kisses my  head.

We begin to walk back slowly taking more time so I can gradually get more and more tired. That is until we reached the entrance of the hotel and Dom stops.

"Whats up?" I ask confused.

"You ready for something thats gonna make you extra tired?" Dom asks.

"I guess so. But what is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"In 3,2,1... RACE YA." Dom shouts as he sprints into the hotel entrance.

"THATS SO UNFAIR!" I shout running after him.

As quick as Dom is I manage to catch up to him a little on the stairs leading up to our floor. But Im ages away from him.

I loose sight of him as he sprints of round the bendy stairs. I show defeat as I slow down moping up the final stairs.

"Come on Y/N fockin el." I hear Dom shout from a few floors up.

I wipe away my tired eyes and try to run up the final part of the stairs. I finally see Dom looking smug standing beside the door ,leading us too our floor, with a massive smile on his face.

"I win." He says keeping his smug look on his face.

"Only cause you got a head start." I lie.

"Course it was darlin." Dom giggles. "Come on lets get you to bed."

We both make our way to the hotel room using our key card to get in. The door unlocks and we quitely make our way in the room taking our shoes of and tip toeing along the floor trying not to make a sound.

Thankfully Tom and Adam are too fast asleep to hear anything.

I get into bed wrapping myself into the covers looking up at Dom who is taking of his jacket and his sweatshirt.

"Budge up." He whispers as he gets into bed and wraps his arm around me as I cuddle closer to him.

My eyes become heavy as I finally drift of to sleep.

"Sleep tight angel."

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