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Y/N: Your name.

Trigger warning: Mentions of self harm.

These past few days Doms mental health has been eating him alive, he says that he just wants to harm himself because of everything he has done wrong. Which is nothing. The only thing he wants after all the times I ask, is me. He just wants to have me around all the time. But I cant. I have places to be I cant just stay at home with Dom all the time, as much as I want to.


"Please dont leave me Y/N please." Dom whines.

"I have to Dommy I have to go to work." I reply.

"What do I do if the voices come back? Youre the only one who can help me." He cries.

"Not true Dom. You get rid of the voices yourself Im just here to stop you from doing something you regret." I say looking sympethetically into his eyes.

"But bu..." Dom stutters. "I dont want something to happen to me when your gone."

"Nothing is going to happen. Ok?" I say whilst planting a kiss on his lips.

Dom looks away trying not to show his emotions.

"You have nothing to worry about." I say tilting his head to look at me.

Dom nods slowly and makes his way to the living room and sits down on the sofa.

I continue packing my bag for work in the kitchen.

After packing my bag I enter the living room to see Dom sitting with his legs to his chest and his head buried into his hoodie.

"You alright now babe?" I ask concerned.

He slowly nods his head.

"Can you please stay here with me?" Dom says quietly.

"I wish I could."

"I know." He sighs.

"Here how about I give you this." I grab my favourite bracelet of my wrist and put it on his.

Dom sits up and looks at the bracelet.

"Are you sure?" He says looking at me.

"Mhm. Whenever you think of harming yourself, this bracelet is going to remind you of me." I smile.

Dom smiles and quickly gets up and wraps his arms around me. "I love you." He exclaims whilst holding me tight.

"I love you too." I exclaim hugging him back.

"Im always going to be here for you."

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