Eating disorder.

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* Before you read this every body is beautiful. All these models you see on Instagram trying to look amazing are filtered. You yourself are beautiful and dont let anyone tell you any different.♡*

Trigger warning: Eating disorder, self hate.

"Come on baby please eat something." Dom begs as hes sitting infront of me at the kitchen table.

"Yknow I cant Dommy." I reply.

"But you have too darlin. Look how weak and frail your getting. Please eat something." He asks.

Since I was a teenager I have suffered from an eating disorder. I dont think kids calling me fat and telling me to loose weight was a lot of help to be honest. As young girl I didnt think I was fat, until I was a teenager and I saw all the models on Instagram thats when I realised my body to me wasnt perfect. And that no boy would ever love me if I was this weight.

My life changed a few years later when I found Dom, we started dating after a while and I immediately told him about my Eating disorder and he has been so helpful and understanding with it. But I know its been hurting him so much looking at me get weak.

"Im not hungry." I say hovering my fork over my salad.

"Dont lie to me darlin. Its clearly obvious you are. You havnt eaten properly in days." He admits.

I dont say anything.

"Just a few bites. For me, please." He asks.

I take my fork and get a piece of lettuce slowly putting it in my mouth. I hate the feeling. I begin to slowly chew it looking down at the rest of the food on my plate.

"Good girl." Dom praises. "Have a few more mouth fuls then we can go do something else yeah?"

Usually by now I would have ran away to spit it out somewhere but Dom now knows my trick and doesnt let me leave his sight.

I stare at my plate knowing im never gonna finish this food. I begin to tear up.

"Its alright darlin come ere." Dom gets up from his seat and places his hands around me kissing my neck. "Is it too much for ya?" He asks sympethetically.

"A bit." I reply. "I just feel and look fat all the time Dommy and I dont want you to leave me because of it." I admit.

Dom kisses the top of my head. "Why am I ever gonna leave ya?" He says." You are perfect, youre the most gorgeous girl in the world, thats why I wanted you to be mine. This disorder has affected you so much and I am always gonna be here for you throughout everything. Okay?"

"Promise?" I reply.

"Promise." He says holding me tighter. "How about I find you something else to eat? Whatever you want my love." He asks.

"Ok." I shrug and lightly smile.

Dom lets go of me going towards the chocolate cupboard. He scans his finger around choosing what to get us. "How about we be naughty and just eat chocolate?" He giggles

"Umm ok."I reply.

I want to at least make Dom worry less about me. So I guess eating some chocolate shouldn't be too bad. Only a little bit at least.

Dom grabs some chocolate out of the cupboard." Wanna sit and eat in the living room?" He asks.

"Ok." I reply walking toward the living room with him.

Me and Dom both make ourselves comfy next to eachother. He puts the tv on and finds something for us to watch then opening up one of the chocolate bars. He snaps me of a tiny piece and hands it to me. I slowly take it from his hand and reluctantly place it in my mouth.

"Good girl." Dom says kissing my head. He snaps me off another piece. "Here ya are love."

I take another piece from him, feeling not as bad about having it.

Each piece becomes less difficult. I finally dont feel as if food is something bad that Im forced to eat to keep me alive. Instead its something that I can enjoy.

"Can I have another piece?" I ask.

"Course ya can." He snaps me of a few chunks and places them in the palm of my hand and proudly watches me eat all the pieces one by one.

"Im so proud of ya."

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