Night Together.

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* Thankyou for 4k reads. I know Im really late with posting another chapter but I had covid so I didnt really have much chance to publish and with getting bombarded with school work that didnt help either.♡*

Y/N: Your name.

The door knocks and my mums rushes from the kitchen to open it.

"Hiya Dom, you alright? Come on in."

"Cheers thankyou." Dom replies.

I continue getting sorted and doing my hair so me and Dom can get on our way.

Dom said ages ago that we should go and watch the sunset somewhere near his house. So we both decided today was a perfect day to do that.

I finish getting sorted by putting some mascara on as I step back and admire my self. "Perfect." I say grabbing my phone and leaving my room.

I head downstairs to see my mum and Dom still nattering along. Dom finishes his sentence as he notices me coming down the stairs.

"Hiya Darlin."

"Hey Dommy." I say giving him a hug.

He hugs me back planting a kiss on top of my head. As we let go Dom wraps his arm gently around me.

"Aww bless you two. Where are you planning on going?" My mum asks.

"We were planning on watching the sunset somewhere nice then heading back to mine, if thats alright with ya?" Dom asks politely.

"Of course my love no worries. Just make sure you two are safe."

"Dont worry I will look after her." Dom replies.

"Good good. And Y/N make sure you come back not to late ok. Dont want you being out when its really dark outside."

"Yeah alright Mum." I say opening the door.

"Alright have fun you two." My mum says waving us of.

"See ya mum."

I shut the door behind us and Dom plants his lips gently onto mine. "You look so gorgeous Y/N."

"Thanks Dommy." I reply smiling.

"Come on lets get going." He says gently taking my hand as we begin walking.


Dom takes me to a steep grassy hilltop a few minute away from his house. Me and him have been here before together when we first knew eachother.

The view is always gorgeous from there.

We both sit down and begin admiring the sunset. It really is amazing here.

"Beautiful aint it?" I say to Dom.

"Fockin gorgeous darlin." Dom replies. "You look really pretty tonight angel."

I bite my lip as I try not to blush. Dom smiles to himself then places his arm around me. I cuddle up to him as we watch the rest of the sunset finally go down.

As the sun sets it becomes a bit darker and the cold night breeze finally gets to us.

"You ready to come back to mine darlin?" He says gently corresing my cheek. "Dont want to be out here when its fockin freezing do we?"

"Nah suppose not." I say slowly sitting up.

We both get up and brush ourselves down from the grass and begin walking to Doms house.

As we arrive Dom opens up the door for me,
we both take our jacket and shoes of and head into the living room to get cosy and watch a film.

I cuddle up as close as I can to him so I can get warmer. Dom notices what Im doing and reaches over me and grabs a blanket wrapping both of us up in it.

"Warmer now?" Dom asks.

"Mhm loads thanks." I reply.

As we get comfortable Dom puts a film on that we both love. My arms are wrapped so tight around his waist and where my head is placed on his chest I can hear his soothing heartbeat.

From the warmth of the blanket and the sound of his heartbeat my eyes slowly begin to close as I drift of.


The film has nearly finished now and Y/N has been surpisingly quiet all through out. I slowly look down and check if she is ok and to my realisation that shes asleep. Bless her.

I check the time on my phone and realise how late it is. I remember that Y/Ns mum wanted her back before its to late and I dont want her to stay up and begin worrying.

I slowly lean over and grab her phone and go onto her contact trying to find her mum. I finallymanage to find it.

The phone rings as I place it to my ear hoping I wont wake her mum up.


"Hiya its me Dom." I reply.

"Hiya Dom. Are you and Y/N ok? Has something happened?" She asks concerned.

"Were both fine dont worry. Nothing has appened. Just calling to ask if its alright if Y/N stays over mine tonight? Shes fallen asleep and I dont really wanna wake her." Dom asks.

"Aww of course she can dont worry about it. At least I wil know shes safe."

"Yeah shell be safe and sound. I can drop her of back home first thing in the morning." Dom replies.

"That sounds fine thankyou Dom."

"No worries speak to ya later."

"Bye my love."

"See ya."

I end the call.

I turn the tv of and place mine and Y/N phone on the side and cuddle up closer to her. I lightly kiss her head as I begin to fall asleep wrapped in her arms.

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