Pumpkin carving.

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*Im going to do a few halloween stories leading up to halloween.*

Y/N: Your name.

"Y/N! Where are ya? Ive got a surpise for you." Dom says rushing in the front door.

I get up lazily of the sofa and walk into the hallway. I get there and Im greeted by Dom with a huge smile on his face and two bags.

"Whats all this for baby?" I ask confused.

"I got us something to do for halloween. Come on." He says taking the bags into the kitchen.

"Please tell me! I cant wait much longer." I beg.

"I got us..." he pauses and gets out the surpise from each of the bags." Pumpkins!" He exclaims." We can do some pumpkin carving for halloween." He smiles.

My face lights up with excitment. "REALLY?"

"Mhm. We can do them now if ya want." He moves the bags to the side.

"Omg yes! Im taking this one." I say grabbing one of the pumpkin and trying to hold its weight.

"Be careful with it darlin." Dom grins." Lemme grab some knifes and shit for them."

He grabs two knifes and a two markers for us.

"Right, you do know how to carve a pumpkin right?" Dom raises an eyebrow.

"Course I do, dummy." I laugh beginning to cut the top of my pumpkin. Dom does the same but checking on me once in a while incase I hurt myself accidently.

I finish cutting the top of and begin emptying the insides."Eww its so fuckin disgusting." I whine, removing some of the pumpkin seeds.

"Stop complaining. Its all part of the fun." Dom says, placing some seeds in the bin that is besides us.

Once all pumpkin mess is out me and Dom begin to stencil our drawings on the pumpkin with a marker pen.

"What design you going for darlin?" Dom asks concentrating on his art.

"Its a surpise. How about you?" I ask.

"Im doing a love heart." He smiles.

"Aww." I melt at his answer.


"Right now lets do the finishing touches." I announce cutting a chunk of the front of the pumpkin finishing the design.

"Done!" Dom announces. "You nearly done Y/N?"

"You cant rush art Dommy." I concentrate.

"You call that art?" He quickly peaks at the pumpkin giggling.

"Dont look, fuckin hell you do know how to ruin a surpise dont ya." I state trying to finish the pumpkin.

I place the knife down." All done!" I step back to admire my pumpkin.

"Wanna see mine?" Dom asks.

"Yeah! Lemme see." I move over to his side. "Aww its amazing Dommy." I admire it.

"Cheers luv. Im pretty pleased with it." He admits." Lemme see yours then." He walks over to my pumpkin.

"WAIT!" I rush over and grab my pumpkin so the design is facing me. "I haven't told you what it is yet."

"Come on then what is it?" He asks eagerly.

I turn the pumpkin over slowly. "Its a ghost!" I smile.

"Aww." Dom giggles to himself. "I didnt realise we were doing self portraits."

I slap his arm. "Dom!"

"Im joking love, I love it honestly." He grins.

I place my pumpkin next to his and turn them around making sure we can see them perfectly. I stand beside Dom him placing his arm around me and kissing my head.

"Where do ya wanna put them love?" Dom says looking at me.

"Can we put them out front?" I ask looking up at him.

"Course we can darlin." He softly kisses me and then goes to grab his pumpkin.

We both grab our pumpkins and head outside the front door placing ours down for everyone to see.

"Perfect. "We both say looking at where our pumpkins are sat.

"Come on lets go back inside." Dom says taking my hand and heading inside shutting the door behind us.

We head into the living room and cuddle beside eachother watching a halloween film getting in the halloween mood.

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