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Y/N: Your name.

I get a sharp pain in my side.
"Ouch." I whisper.

I didnt want to wake Dom as he was fast asleep.

I get out of bed and head downstairs going straight to the medicine cabbinet, I rummage around and finally find paracetamol.

I grab a cup of water and take the medication. My cramps begin to get worse. I tightly grab my hip and whimper in pain whilst sitting in the corner of my kitchen trying to end the pain.

I place my knees to my chest and place my head down begging to make this pain go away. I begin to cry and I cry so much I dont even here Dom coming down stairs.

"Y/N?" Dom says out of shock.

I look up.

"You alright man?" He questions.

I shake my head and put my head down trying to sustain my tears.

Dom walks over and sits next to me placing his arm around me pulling me towards him. I place my head on his chest.

Dom looks up and notices the medicine packet. "You having cramps love?"

I gently nod my head and cry into his hoodie. As be notices how upset I am he pulls me in tighter and plants a kiss on top of my head.

"You should have said Y/N, who knows what amount of pain you were in. I could have looked after you before your cramps played up."

Suddenly a huge pain hits me and I couldn't even cope.. "Ouch!" I whine whilst trying to cuddle dom more.

"Where does it hurt?" Dom says whilst placing his hand on my hip. "Here? Here?" He finds the spot where it hurts. "Mhm." I say quitely. Dom places his hand where it hurts and starts gently stroking it with his thumb.

"How does that feel now?" Dom asks.

"Nicer." I say calming down.

"Good girl." Dom kisses my head again and puts his head on top of mine.

"How about we go upstairs and cuddle? This floor is well hurting me ass." Dom says whilst laughing.

I giggle at his stupidity. "Ok." Dom lets go of me and gives me his hand so I can get up. I slowly sit up and grab doms hand. He pulls me towards him. "Come on." He whispers looking to kitchen door then back at me.

I nod and we both start walking upstairs making our way to our bedroom. Dom lifts the covers whilst holding my hand and gets into bed sitting up. He then pulls me towards him so I lay next to him. He lets go of my hand allowing me to put my arms around his waist and cuddle up next to him. Dom gets comfy to and grabs the covers gently placing them on top of us.

My cramps havnt gone and I get another sharp pain causing me to grab doms hoodie he was wearing and squeeze it as a pain reliever whilst closing my eyes tightly.When I do this thankfully dom notices, and lifts my sweatshirt up slightly were my cramps are affecting and places his soft hand where they are, stroking my skin with his thumb. Its as if dom knows what I need.

"Do you need anything?" dom whispers. "I know its late but I dont mind going to the corner shop for anything you need."

I shake my head with my eyes gently closing. "Just stay here with me babe."

"Alright." He says whilst kissing my forehead.

I then start to fall asleep in doms arms with my pain slowly going away and me being the luckiest girl ever to have dom with me.

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