Hard day.

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Y/N: Your name.

Today sucks. Work has been awful with customers treating me absolutely shit. My boss has been an arse hole lately to me. And my life is falling to pieces.

I rush into my car and drive home getting as far away from my work as possible. I arrive home and burst into the door chucking my shoes of. And I get greeted by my boyfriend Dom.

"Hiya baby." He says walking towards me.

I continue taking my shoes of and sorting through work my bag.

"Whats up Y/N?" He says getting closer.

"WORK IS WHATS FUCKIN UP." I scream at him.

"Come here." He pouts.

"No fuck of Dom Im not in the mood." I continue sorting through my bag restraining  his arms.

"Babe, Im here to help ya." He says trying to calm me down.

"No its just work is so... I just dont want..." I begin to cry stopping what Im doing.

"Its alright princess." Dom pulls me into s tight hug. I cry louder. "Come on darlin." He kisses my head.

I try to calm down as best as I can hugging him tighter just wanting his company. "How about we cuddle upstairs yeah?" He asks. I nod. He lets go of me and grabs my hand running upstairs into our bedroom. We both jump  into bed and cuddle up beside eachother.

All my stress slowly melts away in his arms. I never want to go to work again I just wanna stay here with Dom.

"Babe?" I sigh.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"I dont wanna go to my work anymore." I admit.

"Then dont darlin. Quit. This job has made you different. Youre stressed more, you barely spend time with me anymore and youve totally changed. Wheres my happy girl gone?" He sighs.

Hes right. I havnt spent time with him lately. God Im such a fuckin idiot. Why didnt I realise how much I have hurt him earlier?

"Im sorry Dommy." I grab his waist tighter. "I didnt mean to hurt ya. Im going to quit my job soon."

"Why wait?" He smiles and grabs my phone from my pocket.

I sit up and look at him." What are you doing?" I question.

"There we go." He places my phone down on the bed. "Just messaged your boss telling him you quit."

"Really? So thats it?"

Dom giggles at me. "Yeah. No more going back to that place."

I cant contain my excitement and relief . I launch myself into Doms arms and bury my head into his neck holding onto him tight.

Dom wraps his arms around me and strokes my back gently.

"Thanks Dommy." I kiss his neck.

"Dont need to thank me darlin. I knew you needed a change from your job anyway." He admits.

I dont say anything I just stay where I am enjoying his affection.

"Im guessing youve missed our cuddles aint ya love?" He giggles.

"Mhm." I smile.

"Weve got all the time in the world for that now."

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