The voices.

845 17 0

Y/N: Your name.

'___': The voices in Y/N head.

Trigger warning: Mentions of self harm and blood.

'Come on one more cut. Then we can leave you.'

"No!" I say aloud.

'One more. And you can go back to Dominic and hide everything. He is never gonna find out. One more line!'

I sigh and finally agree. I look at my self in the bathroom mirror. God Im a wreck. I roll up my sleeve and cut my wrist one more time. The knife I grabbed from the kitchen is covered in blood. I run my wrist under the cold tap trying to surpress my screams from the pain. I rince the knife under the tap cleaning of the blood and place it into my hoodie pocket.

The voices are gone... for now.

I quitely walk downstairs hoping Dom doesnt hear me. I place the knife back in the draw in the kitchen and enter the living room where he is sat.

"Hiya mate. What took ya so long?" Dom asks.

"Nothing, just sorting out my hair." I reply.

"Alright, wanna come cuddle I was just about to put a film on?"

"Yeah ok." I say leaping on the sofa going straight into Doms arms.
Dom places a kiss on my head and turns the film on.

My wrist is in agony, I want to tell Dom but I promised him I would never hurt myself again epsecially after last time. I remember exactly what Dom said and everything. He said " Please Y/N never do this again to yourself, your gorgeous and youre only destroying yourself because your listening to the voices telling you to do bad things. But those voices are controlled by you and you can tell them to fock of, they cant trap you forever."

That was a few months ago. Life has been great since then exept for the past few days with the voices coming back.

'Didnt that pain feel great Y/N... didnt it feel right?'

Im scared these voices are gonna cause me to go crazy around Dom and make him realise Im not normal. So I bury my head in Doms sweatshirt more trying to feel safe. Thankfully he holds me closer and doesnt think anything of it.

'Y/N? Dont ignore me. Hurt yourself.'

I just want my thoughts to be fockin gone if I could erase my thoughts I would give anything.

'If you leave now he wont suspect anything we can get this over and done with and you can carry on with your pathetic life.'

"Imma quickly go to the toilet." Dom says getting up and walking towards the door.

"Ok." I say quietly.

Dom rushes to the toilet and I knew exactly what was to come.


I get up from the sofa listening to my voices and walk towards the door closing it so Dom cant hear me. If only there was a way to contain these thoughts. I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL!


I cant take it anymore! I walk over to the closest wall and scream... "FUCK OFF" I bash my head on the wall as hard as I can and fall to the ground.

My senses are numb my sight is blurry and all I can hear is Dom sprinting downstairs and opening the door." Y/N?" He screams. Looking at my faint body. "What did you..." My vision goes black and I collapse on the floor. My face pale with blood on my head.The voices are finally gone.


"Why would she do this to herself? I thought she was fine. I am such an idiot to think she was. Look what Ive done too her." Dom sobs.

I gain some conciousness and open my eyes slightly but feeling pain rush to my forehead.

"Ouch." I whisper. Trying to move my hand to place it on my forehead.

"Y/N? Youre ok dont worry." Dom says lightly kissing my head.

I try to open my eyes more to see where I am. I open them more realising I am lying on Doms lap him holding me upright for support.


"Im here love." He says kissing my cheek lightly.

I whine and place my head on his chest for comfort.

"Im sorry." I cry.

"Dont be sorry mate. I werent looking after you right? You should have mentioned your voices were back." Dom reasures.

"But I couldnt stop them Dommy. They kept shouting at me telling me to harm myself."

"And you listened to them love." Dom says putting some of my hair behind my ear to see my face.

I cry into his sweatshirt and dont say a word.

Dom holds me closer. "Sh sh sh Its alright Y/N. Youve got nothing to be ashamed of ay."

"But I feel so weak. I cant help but listen to them." I admit.

"Its not your fault darlin, you should have spoken to me about it." Dom asks.

"I didnt want you to think I was a freak." I cry.

"Why would I ever think your a freak? Youre my world Y/N I cant live without you. Why would you ever think I would think of you as a freak?

"Because Im a disgusting person who cuts themself all the time and caves in to the pressure when the voices in their head tell them to. And I cant escape them however much I do what they say." I snap.

"What dya mean all the time? You havnt cut yourself in months Y/N Im really proud of ya." Dom admits.

I shake my head beggining to cry again. "Thats not true though."

"But when did you...' Dom gets interupted by me rolling up my sleeve showing him the fresh cuts. He gently picks up my arm and looks at each of my scars gently. "Aww babe." Dom says planting a kiss on one of my biggest scars. "When did you do this?" He asks shocked. "Before we sat down to watch a film. The sorting out hair thing was bollox I just didnt want you to know." I admit.

I can see his eyes become watery and I know Ive hurt him. He takes a deep breath in."  Whenever you have any of these stupid voices please can you just fockin tell me." He cries." I dont want you to do anything you seriously regret Y/N. If anything serious happens to you I wouldnt be able to carry on, my life wouldnt be worth living."

"I can try next time Dom but, the voices just keep coming back threatening me to make me cut myself. I just want to do anything to make them disappear." I dont want to look at him. I feel ashamed.

Dom lifts my chin up and kisses my lips softly then looks straight into my eyes and says." Youve always got me ok?"

I nod my head and gently smile.

"Good girl." He says hugging me tightly.

I feel my eyes begin to slowly close out of exhaustion. "Night love." Dom says kissing my forehead. "Night." I reply sinking into his arms.

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