His clothes.

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Y/N: Your name.

Rain is pouring down around us and you can hear the thunder brewing in the clouds above. Me and Dom are running home from our trip to the park trying to stay as dry as possible.

"Hurry up!" Dom says running of ahead.

"Im trying!" I shout trying to speed up to get to him.

He stops running for a second and looks behind to see me struggling to get to him whilst losing my breath. Seeing my exhaustion he laughs and runs up to me grabbing my hand and pulls me along.

We make it back to Doms house finally and  rush inside, breathing heavily out of exhaustion.

"Lets go to the park he said it would be fun he said." I say taking the piss out of Dom.

"Shutup, you enjoyed it Y/N." He smirks.

"I Suppose so." I admit.

I look down at my clothes which are soaking wet.

"For gods sake." I say sighing.

"Its alright baby, Ive got some clothes you can wear. Come on." He says grabbing my hand and taking me upstairs.

We make it to Doms room and he heads straight for his wardrobe looking at his sweatshirts and jogging bottoms. He glides his index finger across them all until he finds the perfect one. Its a plain blue sweatshirt which Ive seen him wear before, and Ive always loved it when he wears it.

"Here ya go." He says smiling and handing it to me.

I dont say a word I just admire the sweatshirt in my hands.

He goes back to looking at the wardrobe and pulls out some baggy jogging bottoms.

"And here you go darlin." He smiles.

I take the jogging bottoms.

"Are you sure Dommy?" I pout. "I dont wanna take your clothes."

He lifts my chin up with his thumb and lightly kisses my lips. He lets go and grins. "Yes, I am sure." He kisses my forehead for reasurance.

I bite my lip and look dowm at the ground trying not to show how much Im blushing.

Dom giggles and goes to get him some clothes for himself.

I head to the other side of the bedroom and begin getting changed. The second his clothes are on me I feel warm and cosy and so happy. Dom looks at me and he cant help but smile. "They suit ya." He admits. I dont say a word all I do is smile and admire the clothes he has given me.

Dom begins to get changed. I cant help but look at him. He looks amazing all the time especially now. He gives me butterflies.

Dom can sense Im looking at him slightly and without looking at me he smiles. "What?" "Nothing." I reoly grinning. "Yeah yeah alright." He looks up at me and smirks.

He puts his hoodie on and jumps on to his bed with his back on the headboard. He reaches his arms out. "You coming?" I run into his arms cuddling next to him. "Comfortable?" He laughs at me. "Mhm." I say cuddling him tightly.

Me and him lie there for ages not planning on moving one bit and just enjoying eachothers company.

"Wanna put on a film?" Dom looks down at me moving a piece of hair out of my face to behind my ear.

"Ok." I say.

Dom grabs the remote beside him and switches on the tv and puts on one of my favouirte films. "Happy babe?" He says stroking my back gently. "Yeah." I smile watching the tv.

My eyes are heavy. Lying with Dom makes me so sleepy. I begin to shut my eyes slowly whilst getting comfier.

With my eyes practically shut all I hear is a giggle coming from Dom. "Night sweetheart." He says kissing the top of my head. "Night Dom." I bury my head in his hoodie and slowly begin to fall asleep.

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