Panic Attack.

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Y/N: Your name.

Why the fuck did I even apply for uni? The endless days and nights of assignments and the stress you go through to do them is the worst. Dont even get me started on the lecuturer being no help what so ever and making everyones lives a living misery.

My assignment is due in a few hours, and however well I do on this assignment counts for my end of year grade. So no pressure.

Im left home alone so I can finish my work. The original plan was for me to go out with Dom to the studio and help him out with some new songs, but my procrastination has finally come back and shot me on the arse so no going out for me.

So far Im on 1840 words... out of 3000.

"For fucks sake." I say to myself. "Im never gonna get this done." I slide my laptop to the side and place my head on the kitchen table.

Stress is something that I have suffered with quite badly since I was a teenager, I think my family putting pressure on me to always do well in life and never fail has definitely not helped.

I quitely start to sob as I give up.

However the sadness , as always, ends up turning into panic as I sit up trying not to get into a state. "Calm down, calm down." I whisper to myself as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

My chest tightens as I stand up and pace around the kitchen trying to erase my negative thoughts.

Nothing seems to be doing the trick.

I crouch down in the corner of the kitchen hoping to calm myself down.



I finally manage to get home after being in the studio for fockin ages. Man was that a long session. I think it felt longer because I couldnt stop thinking about Y/N, especially when she was really looking forward to helping me out in the studio with my new material.

She hasnt messaged either so Im hoping shes focused on her assignment.

I open the door eager to see her. "You alright darlin?" There is no response. "Y/N?" I say as I walk into the kitchen and look over to her laptop where I left her.

I dont really think of much until I hear heavy breathing and crying coming from the opposite side of the kitchen. " Oh fuck." I say as I run to her.

"Ay,ay,ay what happened?"

She cries even more.

"Sh sh sh its alright Y/N dont worry." I reasure.

"I-its fuckin n-not." She replies.

"Whats wrong?" I question holding her hand.


Thankfully my breathing calms down so I can try and get my words straight.

"Im never gonna be able to get the assignment done on time." I admit finally looking at Dom.

"Why not? Whats stopping ya?" Dom asks confused.

"Its too fuckin difficult Dommy. And its really scary doing these assignments when your scared of whats going to happen after them." I tear up again.

"Whats going to happen is your gonna get your grade back and Imma be proud of ya either way. Pass or fail." He says wiping a tear from my cheek.

"But its not yours or my opinion Im worried about Dommy. Its my fuckin parents." I admit.

"What are they gonna say thats gonna affect you so much princess?

"Theyre just gonna say about how much Ive let them down. Or that I never try hard enough. Or  even maybe that Ive let the family down." I cry.

"Dont ever say that Y/N, ok. Your family are always gonna love you, for who you fockin are. The grades dont matter. Theyre just nervous that one mistake in your exams is gonns fuck up your life. But it really wont alright. They just havnt realised that just yet."

"Ok." I reply lightly smiling.

"Good girl." Dom says as he kisses my cheek. "Come on lemme help you finish your assignment." He says getting up and putting his hand out for me.

I take his hand and get up. "I really am fockin proud of ya Y/N." He says gently kissing my lips.

"Thanks darlin." I smile.

"Come on then lets give this a go."

Dom sits on the chair ,gently holding my waist as I sit on his lap both of us trying to complete my assignment on time.

With Dom reading the important parts of the textbook and me typing away I managed to send my work in a few minutes before deadline.

"You did so good Y/N." Dom says kissing my cheek softly.

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