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Requested by: MadisonHolness0.

Y/N: Your name.

Trigger warnings: Mention of needles.

I have to get bloods done today Im so nervous. Ive always been afraid of needles I think its just the thought of how dangerous they look and how they I feel with it.

Its also my first time going on my own, usually my mum would go with me but shes on holiday so guess its just me today.

I turn on my car and drive my way to the hospital. I see the sign ' Hospial This way.' I dont know if I can do this my heart is pounding as I find a car parking space and park up. My breathing unstable. I turn of my car and place my head on the steering wheel taking a deep breath in. "I cant do this." I break down in tears. I get it together and sit up checking my watch. " Shit, Im late." I run out of my car locking it whilst running inside the hospital heading straight to the reception.

"Hiya I have an appointment." I say to the receptionist.

"Name?" She asks.


"What you here for?" She says whilst typing on her keyboard.

"Getting my blood done." I announce.

"Yeah thats all fine, booked in with Mr Harrison. Please take a seat. "She says gesturing to a chair."

"Thankyou." I say walking towards it.

While I wait my eyes scan the waiting room. All the posters are trippy and always talking about jabs vaccinations and mainly death and it panics me. I have always hated hospitals, they remind me of death and how many people have been in pain in this buidling.

I await few more minutes until I see a nurse walk to the recptionist and pick up a clipboard. "Y/N?" He asks. "Yeah thats me." I say getting up of my seat. "Perfect, wanna follow me?" He says. I follow him through the corridors. He is a young nurse probably in his early twenties, he has emerald green eyes, and dark brown fluffy hair which suits him perfectly.

We arrive at the room." After you." Mr Harrison says smiling. "Thankyou." I reply entering the room looking around my eyes heading straight for the needle on a little table. "Take a seat please Y/N I just need to ask you some questions." I sit down and he sits in the seat directly next to me.

"How have you been? Any issues?" He asks.

"No, everything has been fine." I reply.

"Ok perfect." He clicks his pen and writes on the clipboard. "Age please." He looks up at me our eyes catching. " 24." I say. "Aww me too." He says smiling and scribbling on his clipboard. I cant help but smile at him. "And finally, any allergies?" "No, no allergies." I say. "Ok thats the questions out of the way. All seems fine. Now lets start with the blood test ok?" "Ok." I say nervously.

Mr Harrison arranges all of the needles and places everything together and puts on seathrough gloves. I am shaking I am so scared of whats gonna happen. "You ok, you seem really shaky?" He asks. "Yeah sorry Im just really afraid of needles." I admit. "Dont worry its gonna be absolutely fine just a little prick."

Thats what they all say.

"Right you ready?" He asks needle in hand. I nod rolling up my sleeve. "We only need a little bit of blood not too much." He reasures. I breath in. "Ok." I say relaxing and trying to go to my happy place.

He looks into my eyes and back to my arm. "Ok, three, two, on..." "WAIT!" I move my arm away Mr Harrison whilst looking at me sympethetically. "I cant do this." I say tears flooding my eyes. "Ay its alright Y/N. As I said its just a tiny prick it is gonna be over before you know it." He reasures.

"I know but its a literally needle going straight in to my arm. How can I not be scared?" I snap.

"I understand where your coming from Y/N." He places the needle down and removes his gloves." But honestly it is fine." He smiles happily and looks into my eyes.

"I know bu.." im interupted by him grabbing my hand gently and saying quitely. "You have nothing to worry about." I dont know how it worked but I built up the courage to go through with it. "Lets do it." I say rolling my sleeve up quickly.

"Good girl." He smirks. I take a deep breath whilst he prepares the needle again. "Right, three, two, one." He pricks my arm with the needle I flinch once and try not to think of it. I felt my arm go numb when he slowly took blood out of my arm. "All done." He announces. "Really?" I look at him. "Yeah. Werent so bad after all was it?" He grins. "Suppose not." I smile.

He removes his gloves. And places the needle on the table again. "Feeling anything?" He asks.

"No I feel fine." I say brightly.

"Ok good man. If you need anything from the hospital you know the number and they can help you out if you have any difficulties after this, alright?" He explains. "And this leaflet describes any after affects you might have. Let me just quickly write something quick on it." He says grabbing a pen and writing on the back of it.

Wonder what hes writing.

He then hands me the leaflet. "There ya go. And that is us all done." Mr Harrison stands up and I do the same. "Let me take you to reception." I nod and follow him. We arrive at reception and he drops me of. "You take care of youself alright Y/N." He says slowly stepping back about to go back in to the hospital. "Yeah ok thankyou." I smile give him a wave and head back into my car.

I can not help but smile when I enter the car. I admire the leaflet he gave me and turn straight to the back were he wrote something. It said in his messy handwriting.

'Call me.'

With his phone number underneath. I couldnt stop smiling who new that hospitals wouldnt be so bad.

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