Tik tok.

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Requested by: caitlyn064.

Y/N: Your name.

Me and Dom are bored out of our minds scrolling through social media on our phones. I think Dom is looking at Instgram or something but Im scrolling through Tik tok at the moment.

All I see is videos of couples dancing together and doing cute shit together which makes me want to give it a go.


"Mhm." He continues searching through instagram.

"Can we try a tik tok dance together please?" I beg.

"Whyyy?" He whines and looks at me

"Because its gonna be cute. Just one, please?"

"Fine. Just one alright" He caves in.

"Come on then!" I rush into the kitchen.

"Where are ya going?" Dom whines.

"The kitchen theres better lighting." I say.

After a lot of persuasion Dom gets of the sofa and walks into the kitchen.

"So, what one are we doing then?" He says moving his hair out of his face.

"Its a new one. I need to teach you the dance of it."

I show Dom the video we are going to attempt to copy. He pays close attention to try and get it first try.

"Alright lets go." Dom announces.

"Really? Youve only seen it once." I giggle.

"Yeah come on. How hard can it be?"

"Alright." I say doubting him. I place my phone on the side and set a timer for three seconds preparing the sound ready.

"Ready?" I say face towards the camera.

"Mhm." He quitely says.

The recording starts and me and Dom are both getting all of the moves right so far. Surprisingly Dom is doing better than me. I try to do better than Dom but I end up tripping over my own feet, thankfully Dom grabbing me in his arms midway of falling.

"You alright?" Dom laughs. "I thought you said you knew the dance."

"Shutup Im trying my best." I say flustered.

"I know you are darlin. Come on." He restarts the video and places the timer on again. "Right dont fall over this time Y/N." He smiles. "I can try."

The sound starts again me and Dom start over. Obviously Dom is doing better than me. But I cant try and compete and fall arse over tit again. We finish our dance and the recording stops.

"Jesus Christ man." Dom announces. "Im so our of breath."

I laugh at him. "Same."

"I dont know why you are... I did more effort than you." He says nudging my shoulder and smiling.

"Cheeky bastard. Come on lets see how the video went." I grab my phone and me and Dom watch our attempt of the dance.

"We did fockin amazing Y/N!" Dom shouts.

"We didnt do too bad did we. Lemme put it in my drafts." I say.

"No no no  darlin come here." He grabs my phone out of my hand and presses some buttons on it.

"What are ya doing?" I ask.

"There we go. Just posted it." He grins.

I am surprised he even wanted to do the dance let alone post it. "What else did you do?"

"Nothing." He shrugs. "Just added a caption." He kisses my cheek and wonders back to the living room going back on his phone.

I check the video he just posted and what the caption is, he put 'Love ya darlin.' With a bunch of hearts. I know it might sound dull but to me it meant so much.

I run into the living room going straight for Dom. "Woah woah woah. Easy. Whats all this for?" He asks whilst I hold on to him tightly.

"Thanks for the caption baby. It means a lot."

"Its alright darlin. We can do some more dances later yeah?" He asks.

"I thought you hated the idea of doing dances together. You changed your mind Dommy?" I say playing with the strings of his hoodie.

"Maybe." He grins.

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