Anarchist. Part two.

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'___' :Y/N thoughts

I arrive at the college. My anxiety is playing up and I am struggling to breathe. There are thousands of people surrounding me all stating at me.

I have to get away.

I quickly run to the nearest double doors and sprint through the corridor. I sit down infront of a wall and place my head in my hands.

Thankgod I was on my own, my anxiety riddled my mind with possibilities that could occur.

'Imagine if everyone out there could see how weak and pathetic you look.'
'Maybe everyone is talking about you.'
'Everyone thinks you are unstable now'

I sob in my hands. Until I hear a door nearby to me smash open.


I look up and notice a tall brown haired boy getting pushed out by his teacher, looking unbothered by the situation.

The door slams again.

"Focks sake." He whispers.

I go back to my original position and try to pay no atttention to the boy.

"Alright love." He says happily.

"Yeah Im fine." I say whilst shaking.

"I dont think you are darlin..." He said as he sits beside me.

I look up and stare into his gorgeous green eyes.

"My names Dominic, you can call me Dom!"

I lose focus in his eyes... "I I Im Y/N."

"Lovely to meet ya Y/N. What ya doing out here all alone, shouldnt ya be getting to ya class?" He asks.

"Im too nervous to." I say with tears flooding my eyes.

"Hey its alright love." He says whilst wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb. "How about I take ya?"

"You dont have to its fine." I say whilst lightly smiling.

"Nah thats nonsense, come on!" He says whilst getting up and giving me his hand to help me up.

I reluctantly grab his hand and he helps me to my feet. His hands were so smooth and his eyes glared at me the entire time he helped me.

"Your outfit is incredible man." He said excitingly.

"Thankyou." I say with a brighter smile.

"I wouldnt take ya as an Oasis fan." he said whilst giggling to himself.

"Yeah they are the best band Ive ever listened to." I say getting more relaxed.

"Looks as if we already have something in common then." He says whilst grinning. "You cant beat a bit of dont look back in anger can ya?"

I giggle.

"Come on man lets go." He says

"Wouldnt your teacher not want you to go?" I mention. "I dont want you to get in more trouble than you already are, your teacher seemed pretty pissed of."

"Nah hes always hated me, come on lets go... quickly! He excalims. Whilst grabbing my hand running.

At first I was a little bit confused why he was so nice to me, but in the end I didnt care .

"OI!" A voice shouted from behind us. "GET BACK HERE!"

"Shit." Dom exclaims.

Dom grabs my hand tighter and we run quicker dodging people in the corridors. In the end we stop in a corridor far away from Doms classroom.

Whilst catching our breath my brain realises that Im late for my lesson. I sighed and whispered " Oh fuck."

It was as if Dom knew I was nervous about missing my class and said "Nevermind you missing your lesson Y/N, I can stick up for ya."

He smiles brightly.

"Cheers Dom." I say. Whilst smiling back.

"Hey come on, let me take you to one of my secret places." He exclaims whilst walking towards the outside door.

I stand in the same spot until I realise Dom is probably the best person right now to be with.

I follow behind. Both of us leaving the building.


After walking across the school field Dom took me to a area full of trees and one tree in the distance with a treehouse on top.

Dom raises his hand and points to the treehouse. "Thats where we're going."

"Really?!" I say excited.


Once Dom and I avoid all of the spiky bushes and twigs around us we made it to the treehouse. It was very plain on the outside but it makes the thoughts of what the inside look very exciting.

"After you." Dom says moving his hand towards the treehouse ladder.


I climb up the ladder. Getting nearer to the top I remember my fear of heights and I hope Dom doesnt notice how worried I am. Weather I should mention my anxiety is a complete struggle for me.

After reaching towards the treehouse and hopping in it. My anxiety fades away looking down at Doms smiling face.

I watch Dom race up the ladder. I move out the way to make room for Dom to come up. Once he is in the treehouse he says " Have a look then."

I hadnt had a proper look at the treehouse, apart from trying to climb up the top and refusing to look anywhere apart from the inside of it. But it looks amazing, surrounding the walls were posters raging between Oasis, Blur, Sex pistols and Marilyn Manson. There were a few beanbags on the floor in tbe corner and a little wooden  drawer

"It looks amazing!"

" Cheers love."

"When did you do all this?" I ask.

"On one of my bad days I ran away and came into the woods planning on staying out here and avoiding all teachers who try to tell me what to do. And instead I found this old place covered in insects and broken pieces of wood. So I planned on making this my hiding spot, and after I cleaned up the place and made it looks how I want to it to I fell in love with it." Dom exaplained.

"Guess its our little secret then." I giggled.

"Guess so." Dom smiled


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